Burden is Heavy

Dear Diary, Im just trying to get myself together. I had to call attorneys office. They told me once again the woman I need to speak to isnt free today but tommorow. I said “Im sorry but I keep getting put off and Im not happy with the way this office is handling my case”…

Give me Strength

Dear Diary, Yesterday was just emotionally training. I just have too many loose ends that Im so eager to have completed. And Im getting so frustrated with everything around me. Mainly the legal thing with my Attny. I talked to my girlfriend yesterday. She said I should demand to see my Attorney( who I never…

My Date

Dear Diary, Just sitting here eating some Homemade soup from Boyfriend’s Roomate. She works for a restaraunt and made a load of soup and a casserole yesterday and is passing it along to everyone. So I did not have to fix any dinner! I just heated it up for the kids. Today I had off…

Female Exam

Dear Diary, GOSH DANGIT! Ok I cant help but laugh, but also be frustrated at the same time. I have been without health insurance since having my last child. We were on the verge of health insurance twice. Then the Ins the Ex got was out of network. I was busy trying to find a…

Yay Friends!

Dear Diary, Ohhh I feel good tonight. I went out! I spent all day at home, then had to do a little shopping before church. Kids wanted to spend some money so I took them to the $1 store and they were so excited to pick something out with their own cash and stand in…

Yay! Progress

Dear Diary, Im feeling a little bit better. Got to talk to boyfriend a bit and vent a little. Hes cool about that. 🙂 Then somehow we got about talking about killing bugs, haha. I have been talking to my girlfriend online this evening. Im reflecting on all the good things that have happened this…