Yay Friends!

Dear Diary,

Ohhh I feel good tonight. I went out!

I spent all day at home, then had to do a little shopping before church. Kids wanted to spend some money so I took them to the $1 store and they were so excited to pick something out with their own cash and stand in line and pay for it by themselves.

As I was driving to the store on this one street a young guy was sitting in the median with an old car broken down. He looked like my old neighbor. I was in such a rush and as I drove past he just had this “I need help” look on his face. But I kept driving. I even thought to myself “You shoulda asked him if he needed to make a call and offer your cell phone” It wasnt a secluded area and it was in broad daylight. But I kept going since I was in a hurry for church.

Got to church and my friend C was there and his wife. C is a guy Ive known since I was about 17. The Ex and I were volunteers in a high school age ministry and C was in our group. We have been friends ever since. Worship was sooooo good tonight! I love hearing the band, feeling the floor rumble with the drums. Guitars, base, heavy drums.

Then the message happened to be on of all things. THE GOOD SAMARITAN story. The story Jesus told about loving ones neighbor as yourself. And someone asked “Well who is my neighbor?” And Jesus went on to share the story of a man who is mugged and left for dead on the road and how several people pass him by and dont help him, and the various reasons why they didnt. And then the Samaritan who does stop. We talked about the differences in people, how different races didnt mix with others, felt they were evil just because of inbreeding of different nationalities, then compared it to modern times, of the blacks being discriminated against in the past. And just how people made decisions about others based solely on differences.

Anyways Im getting sidetracked now. I thought of the young guy I passed today. Something inside me was telling me to help, I ignored it. It was just so interesting the message tonight covered that. I do see people now and then and I dont think much of those beside the road. It was just today the way the guy looked, the place he was in, I could have stopped and something inside me even spoke to me about it. Sorry God.

Its not that i had to give the guy I lift. It could have simply been, Hey want me to call someone to come get you? And that be it.

Well church was great. I just stood there tonight looking at all the people around me. A few mos back I sat in a mega huge church in town full of conservatives dressed in suits and ties and women in dresses. Tonight I sat amongst people in jeans, tattooed, hair colored, and numerous body piercings.

And I just felt this is where God works. God meets us all where we are at. And he was there in the hearts of these people tonight. We sang some older more traditional songs at the end and my eyes started to fill up with tears. This seems to happen to me everytime I have worship anymore. Its as if ever since I left my Ex I have been able to worship God more deeply now, why is that?

C then invited me and the kids out to dinner! YAY! haha, funny how I was venting about no friends other day in my diary. And then getting invited out with my kids by a couple who doesnt have any!

We went over to their house for a bit and kids played with their new dogs. C has been around since before the kids were born. Hes always been good with them and visited them often when they were smaller.

We all went to Dennys. And Im quite proud to say my kids didnt drive us nuts. C took them to the jukebox and yes let them pick a Nsync tune! haha, then he taught them how to polish a penny with Tabasco sauce. It may seem so small but it warms my heart so much to watch a male interact with them since they just dont really have that anymore. And C was great.

They then said they want to have me over to watch movies, and his wife wants to hang out, she stressed it tonight. Wow, thank you God, 🙂

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