Going over for Dinner
Dear Diary,
I was dreaming about Ex before I woke up this AM. It was like I was staying in some apartment and he came to see me. And we were being all friendly and talking nicely and he was being affectionate to me and it felt nice. I was getting ready to go somewhere and I was going to let Ex hang at my apartment while he was in town or something? He also got all these tattoos he was showing me, on one arm he had a picture of his brother and himself?? haha and I forget the stuff on the other arm, I found the tattoos tacky but didnt say so but was sad for him that he would be stuck with poor artwork on his arms.
But I knew my ex wanted to be intimate with me again. In the dream I liked his hugs, affection, arms around me, but the thought of having sex with him wasnt appealing. Its like I liked him wanting me and showing it, but I didnt “Want” him, And in the dream I was thinking about B, about how I have truly connected and become one with him, how he is the man I love to make love to and how much I love doing so.
It was a weird feeling waking up, I was all wrapped up in being around my ex then it wasnt real.
Ex hasnt called the kids since last week. And the last time was on a wrong day again. So the kids called him on thursday I believe? I cant recall but ex said he was too tired, and they only spoke about a minute each. Then no calls since. His days he can call are tues,thurs,and sundays between 5-8pm as in the paperwork. So Sunday rolled around no call. But he hasnt followed those court orders to begin with.
So last night he did call( on the right day and time!) He left a message and he said “Hi boys, Its your Dad, I called to tell you I love you, its Tuesday, no wait, Its MONDAY” and hung up. He sounded a little weird. It was Tuesday! Not Monday. So they called him after they got in from playing and once again they spoke very brief he said he was tired. ANd my youngest just didnt want to talk really and said “Dad can I call u later?” when it was his turn.
And ex will be getting notified as to not paying support, and the violating the court order with the phone calls. And then next week I will tackle all the issues ahead, and they are going to need to address the lack of him covering any medical or dental for the children still.
Well Im going to B’s today! After getting the kids at school we are driving out to his place! Hes gonna make us dinner. He was going to come out and see me but then informed me his roomate is in Vegas until tomm, so I said “Well how about the kids and I come over there?” So he said that was fine. We are gonna spend the night also. Ill just have to leave at 7am to get back to town and get kids to school then off to work, but thats workable, its not too often we camp out at his place, especially with the kids, but we will have the place to ourselves so that will be cool. 🙂
Oh and B is doing work for a mechanic now. The guy helping him fix his Jeep is training him now. Hes working as an exchange for the help on his Jeep, but he said it may turn into something more. He feels proud of himself, he learned to do brakes yesterday and said “See now I can do them for you too!” so its something getting him out and keeping him busy, and he wont owe money for the Jeep either.
Gonna go for now!