Guys & Girls Manipulate Denial

Dear Diary,

Morning. I was woken up about 6:15am by someone pounding on my metal screen door. It freaked me out, since first of all its early, second, the only person who does this is the meter reader who needs to get out back, and I put the dog inside, but she just came last week and she wouldnt be back already, and she is normally there just about 7am.

I was all comfy just wearing a tshirt, so went out to the living room to peek out the window and their is a car in front of my house. So I look over towards the front door and see a black woman in a fuzzy coat, with a hat holding a cup of coffee. Im like “What the heck??”

So I run to get my pants on, I opened the door. With my screen you cant see in, which I love about this door, so I just said YES?? she was just turning around to walk away, Shes all “IS Rodney here?” Im all “Theres nobody here by that name??” Shes all “Oh Im sorry” And I just shut the door. UGH! People!

I do believe that was a name on some of the mail that comes here that I have to send back still. Heck Ive owned this house for over 3 yrs now!

And I continually get mail for 3 different people that I keep sending back and mark “NOT AT THIS ADDRESS” And a lot of it is from Social Services but they keep sending crap here which is annoying.

So obviously these people never put in a change of address.

I get mail also for the guy who owned the house and died 4 yrs ago also of old age.

Anyways, so I was still SORE really bad yesterday I skipped the gym and resorted to laying around and watching tv.

Music dude came online last night and typed me this whole paragraph about what happened to him regarding the ex girlfriend of his. I seriously was a little annoyed with him after this little episode.

He tells me that he invited her over for dinner and to see his daughter. Shes 4. So shes supposed to come over at 7pm for dinner. And she doesnt show up. So now hes angry at her, and pissed and saying shes a flake, calls her, and she says “I cant deal with this shit” And hes all “Whats the big deal? Chill, just come over, come see the kid” So she shows up about 9pm, and his daughter had just fallen asleep. So he said she got upset and freaked out cause the kid was asleep, she ate a few bites, and he proceeded to tell her shes a flake and “Call her on her shit” as he put it.

She ended up freaked out and left. And hes all telling me “Shes a fucking mess, Im so glad I can see it now. I called her on her shit”

So Im sitting there going ????????????

All I saw was a guy invite over a girlfriend that ended things with HIM, she moved out, she stopped sleeping with him even before she moved out.

This was the first chick he really had around his kid. So she said shed still visit her.

So you know? I just said straight out “You guys are both torturing eachother?” If you think shes such a mess why are you inviting her over for dinner and to be around your daughter? You guys broke up. And your using your kid to get her over. And dont even tell me you dont want to sleep with her”

Well hes all “Why are you busting my balls? You arent feeling me. No I dont want to sleep with her” blah blah blah, anyways, he just kept saying how proud he was for not acting codependent with her???

I dunno, I was telling B about it all and hes all “Oh my that guy is like totally in denial, does he believe the shit hes speaking himself?”

And he kept saying how self centered the ex girlfriend was. And Im like ????

Im getting more and more of an eyeful to be honest of how self centered he is. And I said to him last night. “Look Im your friend, and Im just telling you how i see it” But he was resistant to my criticism, and Im sorry but hes lying to himself. He wants her still, whos he fooling??? Im no idiot.

But dont give me “Ohh shes flaking on my 4 yr old” crap and then blast her for it. No wonder she freaked out!

Then I had a little anxiety episode right after that with B online. Well it wasnt anything B saw since I was at home, he got a call and thought it was me, called me, then said “Did you call?” Im all NO? And hes all “Who is calling me?” his room phone and pager were both going off. And not too many people have B’s number, and I know this. So he said the area code of “Whos calling me from Long Beach?” and said hed call me back. And immediatly that chick I dont like that his buddy had the hots for flashed into my head, thats where shes from and she does have B’s number. So I was all going nuts thinking its her. And getting pissed if it was.

See how my mind goes nuts sometimes when I dont even have all the info?

Well it turned out to be an old f riend of him thats gonna meet up with him at the concert this weekend. Duh, me?

I dont like that chick tho, after talking to B’s buddy about it all, How he said hes tried to meet her like 40 times! And this chick playing with him emotionally and him having enough of it. Well she makes things in her profile, and shes young, I think shes like 20 or so, and will write crap like how shes so independent, then write crap to him about how I will get under your skin, youll never forget me, I wont let you, and all this manipulative crap. And that is part of why I cant stand her, shes young, plays off her sexuality to the men in the room, is a total tease, but the guys put up with it cause they feel as though they have some shot and are thinking with their dicks. And she messes with peoples heads. Wants men to want her, teases the shit out of them, mental games, then when they tell her off, she turns it around and gets all sicko sounding and “OH I wont let you forget me baby” talk.

See why I dont like her?????

Get away from my man, get away from my friends.

So rest of my eve? Watched Manor House again, I may miss it tonight since I have class 🙁 Unless he lets us out early. I HOPE SO!

Well gonna scoot for now, Laters!

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