busy busy busy

Dear Diary,

Whew, busy busy busy!

Its a little nice to be busy in ways that dont have to always do with relationship stuff with a partner. 🙂

Boss wifey came in yesterday and we had a good talk. B was here before that before heading home and actually stayed a good while with me at work, he was super sweet and lovey and affectionate, and complimenting me. I just looked at him at one point and said “Wow, whats happened to you? Im not complaining but I havent seen you in a good mood and smiling and perky in awhile” He said he just is in a place now that he doesnt care about all the life issues, hes forgotten them for the moment? But he said it is a relief somewhat to have moved. Not that its the ideal environment, but the rent is $50 cheaper and he works part time for them so he knows if hes in a bind he can work out something and still be ok, so I guess he feels a little secure.

He is living with a married couple that has 3 children all under the age of 6. And then 2 guys around his age, who are close friends, and one is his gym partner. The little girl I always hear about, even before he moved in, just from when he goes over there. She follows B around and wants attention all the time. B says the little thing is so neglected with the new baby and the other infant.( The mother got pregnant with a few mos after giving birth so she has 2 very close) So the oldest little girl acts out all the time wanting attention and B said nobody notices her. So the other day he said she was in everything in his room, he was telling her to get out and what are you doing? And had a talk with her telling her she had better not go in his room when he is not home, if she does she will never go in there again and she will get in trouble. Oh boy, i can see trouble ahead. B should just get a lock or something I think.

He also will have his own phone line! So that will be cool.

Anyways, boss wifey had a talk with me about work, about it being my 2 yr anniv and the talk of a raise. I didnt ask for it, Im aware it was time, but they are covering my childrens medical insurance payments and have been for months now since ex stopped paying. So I considered that a raise and didnt feel right. So if they give it to me GREAT, if not, thats ok too because they have given in to me.

She also spoke to me about some things Im doing now at work and the boss is giving me to do. So thats was really cool! I started taking iniative lately in making some sales outside of what I normally do and he thinks Im doing very well, and he actually Hates doing it and has been looking for another way or a person to handle this. So she said “You may be the answer to his problem” so it was very nice to hear good things and I said I welcomed the challange and learning new things. Im going to go pick her up tomorrow for an appt. She said boss will be gone and is taking her daughter to a movie set. :::Sigh:::: haha thats where I wanna be! But give it time!

Boss came in this AM and asked me how i felt about my ex working here, doing some repairs and things and all for them(which he used to do before he left) and wanted to know how I felt about that. I said I was ok with it at this point(ex owes them money for the insurance so this way they can work it out of him) and I told him if it BECOMES a problem I would let him know and he was totally cool with that. So we shall see!

Went by ex’s aunts house yest, the ones who brought the cookies by. Told them thank you and visited awhile. It was just his Uncle(who married ex’s mom sis) and his high school male cousin was there also. None of the girls or aunt were there. So soon the Uncle started to talk and told me what my ex is doing. 🙂 Thanks! He told me he did get another job with some old contacts, sounds to me like some city of Bev Hills people that he left on good terms with and used as references. So I just need to talk to my attny today about what to do next as far as my support, since we wanted a wage assignment done and now hes at a new job and I dont have a name or address.

Uncle did say “Your ex acts so much like his Mother, that woman plays games with everyone and stirs up stuff” and then I overheard the male cousin talking to my kids in the other room and said to them “Your grandma is a weirdo” my ears perked up to listen but I didnt catch the start of the convo, the kids were like huh? And he said “You know your Grandma *****, shes a weirdo” haha, they were talking about Ex’s mom, their own Aunt!

So it was really nice to visit with them, they have no idea the depth of our marriage probs but he was very nice to me.

I had parent/teacher conference for my kids this AM. So it was nice to sit with their new teachers and talk. I really like both my kids teachers. So heres how it went…

My oldest. He needs to work on his reading, so we need to step up and crack down harder on his reading skills. She also recommended a intercession program, its free, and will help with his reading and its during off track! How great! Which will help him, and also I wont have to get child care for 2 kids. The teacher said my son is very cute and loving, but he has been yelling at her. Which I was aware when he brought home the sheet of writing “I will not yell at my teacher ever again” 20 times that i had to sign. She said he started this at the beginning of the year. And she cracked down on him really hard and said she would send him to the principal if he did it again. And its not that hes calling her names or anything like that. She said its about random things, that she will ask him to hang up his backpack and he will say “I AM!” so I am not really sure what is going on with him to do this, she said “Im sure he does it at home” and I said Actually no he is my more quiet one at home, he is a different kid at school, he doesnt act up much at home, he does it here” And I told her about the divorce, so she said “Ahhhh, that says a lot” and she thanked me for telling her. So we just both really have to crack down on him to handle his frustrations better. I said Id work with him and she is and I will check in to see how its going.

Then my little 1st grader. He has a guy teacher, and well I saw his key chain with a WWJD on it, so I knew right away once again God has blessed my kids with christians in public settings. Most of the after school care workers are christian college students who work part time.

So he said my little one is doing great, he has scored high in everything. (Thank the Lord for the private school he went too last year) but he is also just a bright little guy. He said his only problem is “Accepting responsibility for his behavior” which was exactly what he got written up about in Kindergarten. So we first covered the divorce, since it seems both my kids have a anger deal with speaking and not being able to curb it. And well who did that in front of them? Daddy to Mommy.

Ok wow, some great convos going right now, write rest later….

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