
Dear Diary,

Oh have I mentioned what an ASS my ex is? Bleh

I wrote him an email yesterday, It said….

Hi Ex,

I know you have been driving with unpaid tickets and your not registered. I just wanted to make sure you are driving with Auto Insurance when you have the children and if you could show me a copy of the policy just so I know they are safe and protected so I am not worried.



Just knowing him, he never just ANSWERS questions, but one would figure, if he has insurance, whats the big deal, you just answer and show it right?

And I didnt ask this for no reason. My ex hasnt been working. I really cannot even fathom how hes really paying for much these days. Truck payments, insurance, repairs, then tickets came to the house, then accident reports saying he was at fault, and another was for an accident saying he didnt have insurance at the time, if he did, please show it or else pay such and such amount. THEN the getting pulled over not long ago while having the kids, and my son called me and i heard the cop ask him about a unpaid ticket, then my ex said to the kids “Daddy isnt registered” Then he told the kids he could end up in jail if he doesnt go to court. So my sister tells me he told her he had to go to court, in his other Relatives town, which isnt even in this area (this is where ex first moved too when we separated but he wasnt using that address) Sis said he told her that he cant register his truck due to his unpaid ticket, so he was going to the court house to explain he doesnt have any money.

So as I have said, its always his kooky version of things, so you never know what the truth is. So thats why I wrote the letter, and well here is his response to my asking if hes insured….

“the fact of the matter is that i do have insuance. I dont have unpaid tickets, My tags are paid, the only resoon i dont have my curent sticker is cause of the parking ticket you got in my truck ( i have my airline tickets to show that i was out of town; and you had my truck at the time)….. I will fax a copy to your work tomorrow”

What the hell is mentally wrong with him? I swear! Hes nuts, delusional? I dont know what the proper term is, and its so frustrating because nothing he does has a rational??? I never got a ticket in his truck! He wont drop this and keeps insisting I did. So I said to my Mom, “Why on earth would he be going to traffic court in his RELATIVES town, if he claims I got the ticket? It would be in this jurisdiction then?” My mom always says “Victoria, stop using normal people reasoning, ex doesnt have that”

Its just annoying the heck out of me, he even told the children I got a ticket in his truck, and they kids questioned me about it.

I never did,

And then to say hes gonna send it to my work? Like I could give a rip? Its his ticket, it went to him, its in his name. Meanwhile in just support alone hes over $12,000 behind, not to mention attny fees, comm debts, etc etc. Yet he wants to be an ass and say I am responsible? I swear Lord, what the hell is wrong with the guy????

I seriously just wanted to write back and say “Go Fuck Yourself” He has no idea the woman I am now, not the meek quiet little thing. Ive learned so much, and hes full of shit.

So hey the nice streak cant last can it? That was his longest stretch so far of being nice.

His week outta be hectic, new job, couldnt get the kids on his nite, traffic court, and my attny calling him saying “You said youd come in to settle, she gave you the stuff, and where are you working?” Wonder if they even got to talk to him yet, they were calling him. He likes to be in control and everyone is asking things of him right now.

Well I made a quick trip to the gym yesterday, feels nice, Im back in the swing of going to the gym more and motivated to do so. At this rate, I will have gone in every day this week! I also went on Fri/Sat.

And yesterday I could feel my ab muscles were sore! haha, not used to that feeling!

I then went to class, we got out 2 hrs early, woohoo, and I talked to teach, I wrote him an email last week about a tour of my work, and he didnt get it he said, so we talked last night, he seemed very interested. And said a Wed afternoon would be good, he even walked me out of the classroom and said Thank you and all.

B came out around 10:15. Was nice to see him, he got his new Gi for his Ju Jitsu Class, which he was all happy about and asked if he could wash it for class tomorrow. So we got in taken care of, then he had to put his nipple piercing rings back in ( takes them out for class so he doesnt get injured) I just laid there and watched him. He kissed me, he was nice, he LISTENED to what I said the other night about what I like and enjoy and need. Gotta love that ya know? Seriously, you can get stuck in a relationship, talking to a person, expressing your needs and they dont listen or take note of what was said. B takes note. I really appreciate that about him.

We had a nice eve, the two of us in my NEW bed. 🙂 YAY!

Mmmmmm, I love him.

He didnt go to work early this AM, so he was there to see the kids, and have breakfast and we all left at the same time. He even got up in the rafters of the garage and got to the two heavy metal items my ex wanted that me and my Mom were gonna have a hard time getting down. So I was so happy and hugged and kissed him, he could do it all by himself. And me and my mom figured wed need 3 people to do it.

So that is too cool ya know?

I told B I want him to come stay this weekend, he informed me that work has this goal for the month he just found out about yesterday, so Im guessing he will be working saturdays and overtime this month. So Im gonna just directly ask him if he can come stay on Saturday night then ( he doesnt work Sundays)

Well thats it for now. Laters!

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