Why so Blind?

Dear Diary,

I feel a little weird at the moment. Just kinda blah. Just too much in my head. First one being my Ex told the kids hes going to buy them their own phone. Which is fine but I know hes trying to act like I dont let him speak to his kids from that phone call last week where I told him to call back after dinner and he threw a fit and said “Are you telling me NO I cant talk to my kids?” after the whole mom in law fiasco attempted talk. I dont deny the kids from talking to him so I know what hes trying to do right now. He just makes me so angry that hes so idiotic. So I can only bet hes buying them a cell phone. Which for children as young as mine IM NOT thrilled about. Because they still need supervision and all I need is him being able to call us wherever we are. Its just another control tool and I dont know what say I can have in all that. But Im not taking a cell phone everywhere we go. Thats all I need is for him to have access to us anywhere anytime.

And then he is also flying in the weekend of the big work party. That is another thing Im not happy about. He knows about this party because last year he said he was going to come and bring a date, and I told him how inappropriate that would be, we had only been apart 2 mos. So I pray he stays clear from here, but also I will be on guard that he will show up to start trouble cause I know he is sure the boyfriend will be there.

I just wish he would stop, I wish he would go away. I wish he would get help. I wish he would LEAVE ME ALONE. :::eyes fill up with tears:::

And no Child Support check this month still. My mom kept telling me not to count on them. But I do. I make $800 a month, he makes $4000. I raise the kids full time, he sees them 2 days every 6 weeks. So you bet Im pissed, it tells you enough about a persons character with just that action. Im dependent on it right now. Ive only got a year and a half work experience and Im doing the best I can.

Secretary came in to me about 3 weeks ago waving 2 checks at me telling me Ex paid them for the health insurance 2 checks. Like I was supposed to be happy. I know how my Ex works. He refused to give me the checks, then they had to work it out with him, then he sends them double and sends me nothing. Its all a show around him, he makes himself look good to others. But me he can give a rip about.

He is and was NO HUSBAND, he is a BAD FATHER. He doesnt know how LOVE.

How can people be so blind?

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