Bible Prophecy Conference

Dear Diary,

Some of my notes, and what I emailed to a friend about the Conference, it will be easier then me trying to write this out, Im just posting the letter I wrote.

Paul Begley shared about the Hosea Prophecy, I have not watched the videos but others Im friends with online know about it and I knew who he was but heard about how God gave him this scripture and the mass animal deaths, he made a grainy poor quality youtube video about 4 plus yrs ago or so, put it up, hardly watched. Well turns out a guy in London saw it, wrote a piece I believe for Time Magazine and quoted this pastor and all his scriptures (He said the only time the media got it right) and he woke up one day to his email flooded and tons of hits on his video(he had no idea he was in the article) which then put him on all the major news networks. He also shared with us a dream he had long ago before the last major election, before Hillary announced she was running. That he was in a ballroom with men and women dancing and dressed in tuxes and gowns, that Hillary walked in with a White ball gown and a scepter in her hand, and said “All the Christians against the wall!” and they were separated. My first thought when he shared that? I envisioned the hunger games movies(I will have to look into that as I saw something recent about those movies being used to condition us or something of that nature)

We went over how the Bible says “But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to save your lives by a great deliverance” in Genesis

So when you are feeling like you are alone, remember God is Sifting, he is preserving a REMNANT, those who have their spiritual eyes OPEN.

Matthew 24 we covered, segment from it

At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, 11and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. 12Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, 13but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.

People will hate you, family members, church members will turn on you, people wont like you and get offended by you.

We talked about Fear, how we are to fear nothing but GOD.

I have DIED already, to myself, it is no longer I WHO LIVE BUT CHRIST WHO LIVES IN ME. No Knife, beheading or taking the mark will cause us to Fear. We will be the ones when faced with the chopping block, grabbing someones hand saying “Lets Go”

How its like Boot Camp right now, God is preparing us, he is breaking us down from our old self and making/molding us into what HE wants us to be. Its uncomfortable and He may get in our face. We are being trained as SOLDIERS for Christ, to get out there and fight the good fight.

They talked about if you are in a church that does not see any need to preach the end times, who says we wont be around any of that, to find another church. I have heard some talk of the Pre Trib wrath that how some christians will fail to believe or accept what is happening because “They are still here” and how the Bible speak about false prophets and christs and how even the very “elect” will be deceived.

Pastor TD Hale stopped in the middle of his preaching and he said he knew people wanted to get saved. It makes me cry even typing it. Because people were literally running up there to get saved and climb on stage, sobbing in tears. Its been so long since Ive seen people respond like that to the gospel, so eager and hungry and broken. It was beautiful, not a dry eye around us.

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