Duh ?

Dear Diary,

Well my cell phone rang at 5pm last night, Ex’s number. No message left, I dont answer it. Thats the time to get the kids so I was wondering if something was up. But no message was left.

Then this AM my cell phone rings at 8:15am, Ex’s number again. I dont answer, this is what time the bell rings at school so I couldnt see the kids calling me then. Then my home phone rang, it was ex and he left a message, “Vicky, I guess there is no school today, Im keeping the kids till 5 I guess then Ill drop them off at your Moms” We have had a lot of rain, but Ive lived here all my life and the schools rarely close, and its only with a rare case of snow they do, not rain?

So I didnt call ex back, I called the school, and they inform me they are open.

I had thought perhaps my ex go to the school since he called right at the time the bell rings, and he lives 20 min away from the school. But if he drove there he would have had them in school. So I called him back, hes all “Hi, I guess theres no school, Ill drop the kids off at 5pm at your Moms” I reply “I just called the school its open” He replied “uhhh uhhh, I guess Ill get over there now” and hung up. ????? DUH? Dont you call the school first to check if you THINK they are closed????

There goes the kids perfect attendance, you cant have tardies, and my kids have been getting awards on that. I think it was just same lame excuse for him not getting them up and out on time. Who knows, welcome to Parenting!

B didnt come out last night, which I figured with the weather. I have a leak in my kitchen cieling that is dripping down the light fixture. So had to keep that off last night and put a container, luckily it only leaked a little. I went to the store last night and bought some paint rollers to work on my office, but realized I forgot the spackle stuff to patch the holes, GRRR! So I couldnt do the bulk of the wall. I did cut in the edges though, and a side section next to the sliding door and a section above one of the doors is now done. So its getting there! But Im almost out of paint, it will barely be enough to finish so Ill have to probably go buy another thing of paint. With the Red it needs a few coats to be good coverage. I cant wait to finish though! And with the new curtains from my sis it will look nice!

My middle sis called me yesterday and wanted to tell me what a good job I was doing handling everything, even with the legal aspect and paperwork in the divorce, She also wanted to apologize for stepping in and going into all my paperwork when she was here and totalling and saying she wants to now talk to my attny to review everything for me. I just said Ok, but she said “I didnt want you thinking you were doing a bad job, you arent, and sometimes I get too eager to help and overstep my bounds, so Im going to back off, and if you need my help and want it, I am here to review things with you” That was nice of her. I am just so exhausted right now that I dont give much care about such things or pour my thoughts into them and just kinda roll with things. But yeah that day when my sisters were here, she was going through and totalling everything when id already done all that, put things in piles with statements and cancelled checks and attached sticky notes to them all, and I had sheets of support payments made and check copies, all of it, and Im fully aware that stuff will be needed when we go to trial for settling the house matters etc. So I kept telling her I had been doing that stuff.

I know she meant no harm so I wasnt upset with her, but she told me she was sorry and will back off and to let her know if I want her help.

I talked to music dude quite a bit yesterday. Hes really stressed out with work, he said he felt like a loser, he wasnt liking the job, his boss, he just paid off a big loan he said so hes broke really bad, hes having conflict probs with work and his daughter and having to pay a babysitter pick her up cause he cant get away.

So he was just overwhelmed also, so I was pep talking and telling him good things. Like I keep repeating, I have some really good guy friends, Music dude is a sweetheart and has always been. Hes got his life struggles like all of us do, he also said he is having panic attacks again, so I had shared with him about my panic stuff I just realized and hes all “Ohh can I relate” I just thought panic attacks manifested themself in a certain way, I assumed they only worked one way, not realizing I have issues with anxiety/panic myself.

Mr Comedy and I talk but its just kinda blah these days, not that its bad, it just seems the convos dont flow. Which is fine, hes just not the kinda person I can talk to “Issues” about, other then our relationships and what we dont like about them, but that topic gets old ya know? But Im very proud of myself, establishing FRIENDSHIPS now, I just freaked out with people before. My mind went nuts with things and I projected down the road. Instead of just enjoying someones company for whatever it is.


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