My Flowersssss

Dear Diary,

I have been using the Fed Ex tracking for my flowers, they arrived in town and went on the truck at 11am. So hopefully they will be there when I get home! I cant wait! heehee

I was feeling a little sad yesterday but I feel better now. My kids came home from school yesterday with these really pretty gift boxes they made at school and said they have gifts for me. 🙂 Aweeee and I have some for them, so told them we will exchange tonight. 🙂

They did all their valentines last night all by themselves, which is soo cool that they are getting older and can do that stuff now without my help.

And they were so cute today, I had to bring some vday candy and napkins for my youngests class party. And hugged him goodbye, then my oldest had already taken off with his buddies, so I just watched him walking out to the playground, he saw me and I waived, he then came running over to me, hugged me and gave me a kiss. Ahhhh gotta love him! 🙂 3rd grade and he still likes hugging mom in public and giving kisses.

Last night he called a classmate, it was funny to listen to them talk, hes got this little book hes starting to fill up with friends numbers and has been dying to call someone.

So after work I need to go find us some dessert to have tonite, 🙂

Also B sent me an email with little animated Icons, candy hearts and 2 doggies snuggling and said “Happy V day n Stuff” haha which is sooo him, But really it was nice. I havent said a word about vday and us doing anything this year nor did I get him anything. So yeah I admit it felt nice. 🙂 He then asked if he can work on my computer when he comes out this weekend(hes told me he will come out) I said yes, Im having some boot up problems with it, and something other odds and ends things.

So far no rain today! So my dog can stay outside, he didnt want to though, aweee he kinda likes hanging in the laundry room with the blankie.

Hes supposed to go into the vet next week, and they will do testing to see if his body can handle surgery to remove the tumor on his chest right over his leg.

Hes not moving around so well, and the cold weather makes him slow I can see.

Computer guy left me a Vday card at my computer which was sweet, hes always done that since I started here, left me something for Vday and Christmas 🙂

Well Im off!

So we shall

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