Passing of John Paul Jackson

Dear Diary,
I wrote a post on the 11th. I put an episode of Dreams and Mysteries and mentioned John Paul in my entry.

John Paul Jackson passed away yesterday, Feb 18th.

I was heartbroken.

There had been updates for 2 days prior on his site to pray for his health.

There had been no updates on his pages since Feb 13th.

The prayers asked were for healing.

Inside I was wondering “Lord do you want to take him home?”

I cannot understand God’s ways.

I just do not understand when a man has been used to greatly to get out the Lords messages, why he was taken now.

I found John Paul within the last 12 mos or so. I have watched many episodes of Dreams and Mysteries, often putting it on while working in my office.

I recommend the study guides, sitting down and watching it in segments. Its not quick gloss over simple messages, its more meat to chew on and digest.

He has also been given visions and dreams…

So he has been such a watchman, sounding the alarm of what is coming in the world, and helping us to study and learn, learn more about spiritual gifts.

I know he is before the Lord, so that is not a sad thing at all.

I just know so many people who were waking up and really learning from his ministry. Several of us online yesterday in a group Im in were in tears. I cried more about John Paul then my own Dad.

Just typing that makes the tears well up again.

One of the gals was taking his courses and met him this last year and gifted him with oil as his health was not the best and she could tell that. ANother said he was like her spiritual Father.

I just reviewed a 2012 episode of Trunews with John Paul, at 52 min
Rick asked “What is the one thing you would want to say if this was the last message you were ever to speak?” John Paul said basically ” The one answer is JESUS, One Power and One Authority. With Life now, press into God, there is a lifestyle that is far greater than what we are living today, signs, wonders, healing and miracles in the Body of Christ. We are not seeing it in the current church. Go after that life with all your heart”

It just seemed so unexpected, he was active in his ministry and his message, even the prayers were asking for healing. Not an acceptance that his time had come… if I ever prayed for anyone to come back from the dead… yep John Paul…

Gods ways are not our ways…

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