Ex Drama Kids Home Early

Dear Diary,


Boy O Boy

So B and I have a nice quiet Sunday, alone time, go out for breakfast, Walmart, come home and read then we take a nap and the phone rings, no message left, I drift off, then it rings again, and then again, I hear my cell. Wonder who the heck is calling but not leaving a message.

I dont wanna get out of bed, then my Mom is on the machine saying “I have your kids, ex asked me to come and get them”

Huh? Its like 3pm? He has them till 6pm? And he lives like 5 min from my mom’s house??

I call mom back. She tells me “Ex called and asked me if Id do him a favor and come pick the kids up that they will be waiting outside. My mom is all huh? Whats going on? She said she would pick them up but that he better be waiting with him, he said he cant leave he is afraid his girlfriend and her daughter will hurt one another.”

My mom drives over, youngest is on the curb outside the complex, oldest runs back says he forgot something, youngest gets in and my Mom said “What is going on?” Youngest upset says “Nothing” and just sits there, she knew he was upset.

They wait, then mom asks youngest where they live so they drive over to her building. My mom said the girlfriend was outside on the phone, oldest comes over and gets in to my moms vehicle, they leave. My mom asks oldest “What is going on?” They said the girlfriend and her teenager are fighting. I guess their Dad was never seen nor did he come out with them. So a cop car passes them and oldest said “There is a cop, they must be going there” and he informs my mom that their Dad called the police.

Thats about all Mom knew.

Needless to say I WAS PISSED OFF before I even left the house.

He cant flipping get his act together, now he is in the midst of this girlfriend and her teens drama like a codependent supposed sicko help make the peace party and sending his own kids away, when his damn job should be to get him and his kids out of there.

I get over to moms and she gave them a piece of pie and said they were doing better, I asked them on the drive what happened, youngest once again said “nothing” I said “Hun, something happened” Hes all “I dont wanna talk about it right now is all” I said that was fine, but to just say that, and not say Nothing, and told him how its best to get stuff out and not hold it in. Oldest talked. They said that Dad was afraid the girlfriend would hurt her teenager so he couldnt leave. I told them that their Dads first job was them and their safety, that this is not his family and that his Dad needs to get his own place and a safe place for their visits. I also told the kids about CPS services if she is hurting her kid.

Anyways, I have no idea the real story of what was going on there since its just thru there eyes and I know my ex.

So I told the kids I was sorry they had to go through that and told them thats why I couldnt stay married to their Dad and live with him. Youngest said to me “Yeah but dad didnt hit you did he?” I looked at him, he looked at me. I said “Hun not quite, but your Dad broke things, punched holes in the walls and drove crazy. And people dont have to hit, they can just be saying terrible words to one another” Youngest kinda went Oh…. like their Dad seems like Mr good guy breaking up the girlfriends squabble. They said “Dad is going to move” I hope that is true. We shall see what happens, but you can bet if he stays there the kids are not going for a visit. I told them their Dad can go to a relatives or a friends, hes got family all over this city and surrounding cities. They said Dad was packing. So we shall see what comes of this.

I suspect there is more to all this since he didnt want the kids to begin with this friday…

Anyways, I just spoke to big sister, as she said,,, “Well of course sissy he couldnt leave, he had to stay there and play “Counselor” like he does everywhere else, the boys camp, at his moms when the cops came…. ” she said that sarcastic of course cause my ex is not a counselor….

Well now the kids are home and safe.

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