Oops Forgot

Dear Diary,

I forgot! I left out part of the ex stuff that led up to calling and asking me to take the kids to his complex.

He called me friday am while I was at the gym, called my cell 3 times, house phone twice, messages of “Please call me back” I usually ignore those messages cause its a means to get contact with me, if he needs something he can specify on a voice mail but the ones that just say “Call me back” I hate.

Well i decided to call and he says “Can you keep the kids tonight?” Im all “I have plans” Hes all “Well Im sorry” I said “Whats up?” Hes all “Can you take them tonight?” I said “Look, I made plans already and have purchased tickets for an event tonight and I cant take the kids with me” He then said “Okay Ill them”

I have no idea whats up with him, then to call and ask me to take them to his place???

Ohh gee, you see your kids every other weekend, you are to pick them up at school on fridays when its your day but you dont nor do you make arrangments so me or my parents do it then we wait on you to call us when you ARE ready to get them? And you dont help to raise them into decent young men, teach them value and worth and be a good role model, you cant get your own place but have your girlfriend with 3 kids taking you in, you dont pay support…

You know? Im sorry hes having a bad day! What the hell is wrong with parents like this???!! Im sick, I have a bad day? I am still a parent and I have to deal with it. Now he cant drive less then 5 min to pick his kids up??? Yes the girlfriends apt is super close to my moms house. Meanwhile I truck the kids across town taking each one to and from school at separate hours which is MORE gas now for me as they get out an hour apart, plus going to work, errands and then going back across town once again for their Dad to get them…

Just makes me wanna shake the man, people are so flipping self centered its disgusting.

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