Fears a Powerful Thing

I got God on my side
I’m just trying to survive
What if what you do to survive
Kills the things you love
Fear’s a powerful thing
It can turn your heart black you can trust
It’ll take your God filled soul
And fill it with devils and dust

I just got in from my morning jog, Bruce Springsteen was on VH1 singing this chorus above, it was from the song “Devils and Dust”

Granted its not that I think the whole song is what spoke to me, it was just this chorus. I take what is useful to me.

Yep it made me want to cry, cause the lyrics at this point ring so true!

What it said to me was if you are doing what doesnt bring joy and happiness to your life, if its not what makes your heart sing and what you are doing kills that which you do love it can fill your soul with negativity.

And the one phrase “FEAR IS A POWERFUL THING”

That is so true, I cant wait till big sissy wakes up to call her and tell her about how this was playing when I got in the door cause she and I have been discussing FEAR so much lately and how FEAR has prevented us from taking steps, and just having faith.

I had a good walk, send hello to a few people while on my route. Ive been thinking a lot about the old woman across the street. She lives alone, her one son lives out of state and all, now and then I go over and just chat with her and did that last week. She asked about my yard sale, how bad she needs to get stuff out of her house, but she has asked her son to help her cause she cant do it. Or how she just needs to lug stuff from out of her house into her garage. She can barely unload groceries from her car and walk to her front door without panting. And my goodness she only uses fans here during the summer! EEEKS! She said the cooler makes her sick and she cant breathe, heck it gets HOT here in the summers, over 100 degrees. But shes been in that house she said since 1978.

But if I have some time home ahead, I can maybe talk to her, and have the kids help, we can help her move stuff to her garage, make the offer if shed like. Heck we could even just set it up and if she really wants to sell stuff all she would need to do is just have a sale in her garage and have people browse that way and not pull it out on the lawn, that way she can just sit in a chair and all and then close up the garage when she has had enough. Just some ideas but I will have to talk to her here eventually.

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