Job Stress Again
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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Dear Diary, Well I get to go to the courthouse today for the class for several hours. I also got word from my childrens school that my youngest may not be able to get in the after school program. 🙁 Im registering him for school next week but it may be too late but she…
Dear Diary, Morning. 🙂 Ahh I was asleep just before 10pm last night. I WAS SOOO TIRED. B came out and we had a good time. I skipped the gym and came home, he helped me package up and tape up boxes and we made a fast trip to the post office while the Enchiladas…
Dear Diary, Well I just talked with the Pound. They said if I keep her at my place I can post a found card on their board. BUT, if I keep her for 15 days then she legally becomes mine. BUT if I dont turn her into the pound, I cannot get her spayed, shots,…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden