Small Town

Dear Diary,

I was just talking to my friend about the Private Investigator that followed my girlfriend and snapped the photos.

Anyways, she asked what church they had been apart of because of all the beliefs, control stuff. So i told her what church I thought it was, I know where its at, so I looked it up just now on the Net.

And yep I was right, but when the church site flashed up I clicked on leadership to have a photo of the pastor and his wife before me, then their names, Im all “Hmmmm I know that name!” I look at the photo and realize they work out at the gym at the same time that I go! These are the the pastors where her husband goes, these are the ones who excommunicated her.

Just a small world you know, I see the wife often, i see her membership card in the container when I walk in, just small town stuff you know?

I swear this is like turning into the “Scarlett Letter” for my girlfriend. Where on earth is this of God? D told me her new husband is going to go to that church to apologize to them? I dont think he should, they have been trying to follow Gods Will, but her ex is not about God’s Will, they stopped sleeping together, she got divorced, they didnt live together, they married, and I know she feels shes trying to repair all this the best she can, but she is guilted by all of this, it breaks my heart, as I went through this myself, but luckily pulled out from under that.

This guy is going to stop, unless legally hes ordered too, controllers use God and religion for that purpose, if he had a personal relationship with God he wouldnt be vindictive, manipulative, playing games, crooked with money, and on and on……

I swear she should get a PI on him! Ive told her I believe hes gay, and others think it also… just in closet? Who knows.

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