Kids Honesty

Dear Diary,

OH! I forgot to write yesterday what my youngest said during counseling.

She had asked my youngest
“Do you know why your Mom and Dad arent together?” He said

“Yes because they are divorced

She said “And do you know why they got divorced?” He said

“yeah because of the fighting” She asked him if he remembered the arguing. He said yes.

She then said “Do you wish your Mom and Dad were still together?” And he quickly answered “ALL THE TIME”

It was weird to hear you know? I know its normal for kids to wish that, and I know he thinks about it but to hear him say he thinks about it all the time. Wowie.

She told him “Thats pretty normal, do you think your Mom and Dad will get back together?” He said “Nu uh, probably not” She said “Yeah you can still want something but at the same time know it most likely wont happen”

He said he missed his Dad there and his cooking, and his Dad making pancakes, that he makes good food.

And I will give him that, he does and did. I hate to cook. Which is weird to think about it, my kids have begun asking B to make them breakfast on the weekends, B has whipped up the batter, and made waffles twice now, and its from the kids asking him. Which in some ways I see that as very sweet as they are asking him and hes creating his own ways of bonding with them but providing something they desire at home still.

Youngest also said his time with Dad is “FUN” that his Dad likes to do fun stuff like Offroading and rock climbing.

Its hard at times, his talk is about how great Dad is. I just listen, its the way he views it.

I was watching Real World last night and the one dude Jacqueese? was talking with His mom about his dads lack of involvement in his life and getting called into court for failure to pay child support and all that stuff. Im gathering past due support from many years past? I dont know as the guy seems over 18 now, but not sure.

Anyways, he just broke down crying during dinner talking about his Dad. And he ended up calling his father and telling him how he was angry with him, his Dad encouraged him to talk and say what he needed to say also, but its like Damnnnn, and as the guy put it “How do you have a kid? And grow up yourself having a father and then not be there for your own?” He said hes had to learn about being a man from books.

Im so happy schools about out, and that we can enjoy the eves, like last night at the park with no homework! Theres a coffee shop in town, we dont have any Starbucks or book stores of that nature close by my home. Which sucks, but there is a little coffee shop that B and I popped into a few weeks ago to check out and bought dessert there. I see its open eves, its in an outlet mall that sorta flopped in the corner, and there is a little playground right next to it, and it dawned on me I can go there and hang out, read, have coffee, invite another adult, and the kids can just play right there and are in eye sight. So i think I may do that one eve here very soon also. My youngest wanted to play basketball but the courts were full last night, he wanted me to play with him, lol, I havent played since high school.

But these are the evenings I love, the warm weather when the sun is going down, thats what benefit to living here, the eves. I just want to have my man by my side, to hang out with, walk with, sit and have coffee with.

But I can also work on girl friendships.

I still havent done any entertaining you know….. and its what Ive been wanting…

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