Big Sis/Locksmith

Well Big sister and I chatted,

Big Sis: ok , so what are you doing this weekend for mothers day…..
Me: Dad said he would take mom and I to eat, thats all I have planned so far, Youngest said he wants to go to church so maybe we will
Big Sis: that is my plan i saw (the youngest child) yesterday, i will ask derek to bring the girls out on sunday for awhile will take them to church for mothers day get something to eat or whatever
Me: So you are seeing the girls again?
Big Sis: no, but the teen said she wanted to see me for moms day when she was here on saturday with derek, if she is going to come by , he may as well bring cheyenne, as long as it does not intefere with my plans, all i can do is pray about it and let whatever happens , happens, i just take it one day at a time ….
Big Sis: if you have any advice plz throw it my way….
Me: Its up to you, I know its just a lot of back and forth, guess you have to ask yourself what you want and are willing to do, I know you last told me you told Derek not to bring them over at all
Me: Im not telling you to cut them off or to be in their life, just dont say either if you are unsure I guess? Just go with it, but dont let the girls hear you say you dont want them or are done with them or any of that, if that makes sense
Big Sis: yes i did so when he brought the Teen over on sat i was very angry about that… he stated she came by to visit her friends , but their was not a friend to be found.. so she clung to me all day….
Me: So Teen wants to be with you for Moms day? Did she say why? And dont do it out of guilt if its not what you want
Big Sis: no, i have no guilt , when she said she wanted to spend moms day with me , i was shocked and said you do?
Me: Well if its not what you want then why do it is my question
Big Sis:none of this from the beginning has made sense & it still does’nt, and while i was praying, i realized that their was no reason to want my relationship with derek or even try to fight for it because their was nothing their to fight for … as far as the girls go i don’t know ………. one day at a time ………
Me: Yes, I understand and I agree with the part about Derek the girls, they are a different story. I have just heard you say were done so I was just trying to see where you were coming from, if its really what you want, if it is then thats great, if not thats okay too
Big Sis: they are not in my shoes……… the girls like i said i dont know , if they want to spend moms day with me then they will have to convince their father of that & he will have to make arrangments….
Big Sis: i am not pressing the issue one way or the other i dont care
Me: You do care, if you didnt youd tell them NO and Derek No and that your busy
Big Sis: ok, well enough about that, need to get dressed so i can locate my receipt & take back my vacuum, i love ya…… biig sisssy……..
Me: Love you too

I guess it was after talking to my middle sister I got validated for things I was feeling inside but dismissing. Middle sister said she was very disgusted with how Big Sister is handling the situation with the girls. She talks badly about the teen, calls her a bitch and talks constantly poorly about her, yet when the teen lived with her she said she had good grades in school, was clean and neat, was such a good loving kid, etc etc…

Then all the sudden(and this came out when they separated) so this was going on before, that her grades were bad, she was a pig, behavior acting out, her therapy, cutting herself, you name it, My sister portrayed her all well before hand, then BLAM she outs all this negative crap when they split up as if its all a result of what the Dad has done.

I went to their house the last time in December, you literally could not walk anywhere without crap in the way, its a 2 story house, and my sister just said other things were more important then cleaning, but it was a pig sty and very unlike the way Ive ever seen my sister live.

She keeps talking about how shes done with the girls, wants nothing to do with them, and all that, saying Fuck them, and fuck it and she doesnt want to deal with them and their shit. Then she said this today? So as I said, it confuses me.

And the bro in law deal, thats just getting more and more bizarre, heck move intogether already the two of you! Or just quit lying about what is going on.

I told D about my sister and ex going to the bar, shes all “Do you think she came home?” Im all “I really dont know” As the whole situation made no sense and I even tried phoning her cell that night (only a few of us have her cell number) and that night I could not reach her(tried several times)

But she claimed she drove 90 minutes, to a bar with my ex for an hour and a half then drove home?

Yet didnt call me back as she said she would, and called me a day later and didnt even mention it until I asked.

Sorry Im just getting a little angry about things I guess. She cant be the victim in everything you know? Its not all everybody elses fault, and things she is doing just arent making sense.

I also just called the Locksmith and told him what the guy told me friday that my key wouldnt open my other doors, and that it did, and his response was “WelL I guess you just have the knack” I also told him the bit about the guy telling me to redo my other locks and that I need to come back to them and not go anywhere else as what I needed done was tricky, so I had to come back there” the owner said “Oh he probably just meant that the other places would charge you more” ahhh Im not stupid, he blew everything off that I told him, What a shady business.

Sorry I think Im in this pissed off of people taking advantage of me mood.

Or trying to pull things over on me, Im not stupid dammit, dont mess with me,

Okay , got my period, damn that was fast. I usually get all spunky and want to have sex before hand and B was around all weekend and I wasnt spunky like usual.

Oh well, get the emotional crying part out of the way and the skin breakout.

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