Oops Slept too Long!

Dear Diary,

Morning, well its almost noon.

Poor B, he hit the wrong button this AM and turned the alarm clock off. So I woke up around 6:30 and nudged, (hes supposed to leave around 4:30am)

OOPS, so he was late to work today.

He brought some Fallafel? up last night and we made it up and I had a little Hummus left, so we did the Greek Food thing.

He wants to try making it himself, B likes to watch all those cooking shows on tv and gets all fascinated and wants to try things.

We joke alot about opening a restaraunt, a chain of some of our favorite places to eat or what have you. It just sucks in my area, there is nothing really comparable to places he and I go to eat. We have our favorite place, but we also like Stonefire.

So the guy called back about the shower, wants to come over again and take some more measurements.

My energy level has sucked this week, both times I went to the gym I got too weak to do much with weights, so B said I might need to drink more water, so today thats my goal.

It has been really hot here, but YAY Mom got the cooler up and going now.

Kids are happy with the new computer learning game and love it, so last night was oldest kids turn. The school is having testing right now so the homework loads are light for the kids too, which makes it nice in the eves at home, we arent doing loads of homework, gives us all a little more time to enjoy HOME time. The kids can play games, play with their toys, watch tv.

So I pulled out some more stuff to put on Ebay, I have a bunch of shoes, they are like new, maybe worn once or twice and department store cute shoes in the boxes, so Im gonna try and get them up and out as I have a stack that I can do without. They are just taking up space, I also went through all of my hair products, bath items, etc, I have lots of extras of products Ive tried maybe once but didnt like, Ebay is such an awesome place to get rid of stuff like that.

I just found a hair product by Pantene on Ebay I bought from someone that I cant find in the stores anymore but like, so thats the fun part about Ebay, you can sell almost anything!

I really want to get my own mannequin though to sell clothes, they display so much better on a mannequin for pictures.

So I stocked up on some Dermalogica items off Ebay and some hair products I use, makes me smack myself for paying full price like I had been, eeeks!

I told B last night that I was appreciated and notice all the changes and efforts he is making and that I know I tend to express negative things (How easy that can be, to tell a person what you arent happy about) Instead of taking notice for all of the positive changes. So last night I told him this, I have a hard time expressing that, and just had a convo about that. That I dont want to sound all Motherly and its just confusing for me( goes back to my marriage) How it was such a Mom/Child relationship and I dont want to be that way with B.

He stuck my teddybear in the covers this AM holding the remote all cute like he used to do… back in the day when he wasnt working much and I left him at my house while he slept in and I went to work, Id come home to little notes or the teddy bear posed in funny ways.

Well I think its 1 or 2 more weeks? I forget? Till my hair appt, I used a temp wash out color that Im not too thrilled about, its a red but a bit too red for my taste, bleh,

Its getting lighter and lighter, but I still dont care for it.

Well thats it for now….

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