Stinker Child

Dear Diary,

Short work day as my Mom came over after lunch so I was home all AM with the kids.

I made my bed! Haha I rarely do.

Did some laundry, cleaned up front room.

Kids are getting on one another nerves. Its frustrating at times. How many times do I have to remind my 10 yr old to stop playing with his bossy little brother when hes being a pain? But no, he just lets him boss him around and manipulate him and then he gets frustrated and they start yelling. I have to say “Hey! Why are you two even playing together?” or “Why are you playing with him then?”

Little one will go “OHHHH sorry sorry, okay okay” And try to keep oldest playing with him. Ahhhh yes, the curse, my little one is sneaky and manipulative(Yes very much like his Dad) and my oldest falls for it. I keep trying to teach him whats up but he doesnt get it yet.

So little one was mouthy I turned the tv off and he yelled at me no and tried to block and then threw a fit on the couch. I spanked him and asked him how old he was? And did he think he will get things acting this way?

He kept up the attitude and got his toys taken away and sent to his room.

I told my Mom about his attitude earlier this AM and she said he pulled it on her yesterday in regards to cleaning his room. He flat out refused to do it and said “I DONT WANT TO”

Well my mom said she stood up on the couch and he ran in his room LOL


She walked in his room and he was all doing his melodramatic hide routine and she picked him up by his arm and said “Are you the boss around here?” And she said “You are acting like a baby” Which is what he is doing really here, tantrums and not getting his way. Except hes 8, this is stuff toddlers pull.

So I had the kids have school work time in their rooms. Then eat lunch out back. I told them they were having P.E. time. They groaned! haha. Its perfect weather out today and the kids are feeling just fine again. Just letting the bumps scab and heal.

So I had them do 3 laps each around the yard. Well youngest being his competitive self said he could do it faster then oldest, so then both kids did another set of 3 laps with a timer(Youngest beat oldest by 2 seconds)

THen they played kick ball, it was good they needed it!

So mom arrived and they were out back playing, I told her they have to take a break and do one homework paper front and back during the time Im gone.

Well gotta go for now, my coworker is equally pissed off with my ex’s lack of paying support and the medical stuff hes to pay to my employer so she is looking up stuff on the net for me…


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