He Did It

Dear Diary,

Well Im so out of wack at the moment. Im suffering from a headache, took Tylenol so its finally starting to kick in but I have to mellow so it goes away. I spent half the day wired and go go go go.

Ex came in and signed the papers in the attny office!

I cried on the way over, told work, they said GO LEAVE! Get out of here, and I said to the boss “Do I have to come back?” Hes all “You really are happy huh?” And I smiled. I went straight to the attny office to view the papers for my own eyes to believe, signed my name, and now its an official legally binding contract. BUT, the divorce isnt final, it will be final once the judge receives it and signs it and its sent back to the attny office. But the assured me all the legal agreements in it are binding.

I also got the Transfer of Ownership on the house and went straight to the County Recorders office with it.

We also got my ex’s employer.

I hugged the girl in the office and stomped my feet, and she said never has anyone showed up so fast to sign the papers as I did. heehee

The downside of my day?

I havent been able to talk to or share any with B. Im kinda sad actually that I dotn have him to celebrate with.

Hes moving today, not at work, his phone is shut off and new one wont be in service yet, and I called his pager today and just told him the news, but that was about 1pm today. Sighhh.

I had counseling and shared my news, and my sadness with no B, and talked quite a bit about that, But Ill write more about that later on. Just not in the mood for all that.

So my Mom, sister, Comedy Dude and Music Dude have shared in my excitement and congrats today, and Jen here too.

And I have my period, a headache, and I miss B.

Ahh Im a emotional mess! I think the happy high did me in. I also feel so weird, its been this roller coaster, then long drawn out anticapation, No its like I want to just crash into a coma.

Id give anything just to be held and snuggled tonight.

I will be ok and yes Im very happy about the legal end with Ex being done.

Just gotta get to feeling better…. off to relax

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