Stop it Ya Pansy!

Dear Diary,

Morning. Thankfully I feel better this AM. 🙂 YAY! Last night I was writing an entry and then I guess it was talking to Mr Comedy that bummed me out, made me feel all depressed and then set me off to feeling crummy, along with the comment earlier on my diary got my head all spinning.

Well Music Dude and I were talking and I was venting, hes all “Its ok babe I owe you” as he and I go back and forth listening to eachothers problems. He does open up and share a lot for a guy, and I really appreciate that.

So he basically told me “Tell B to stop being a freaking pansy and get his ass over to your house, be aggressive about it and confidant” I figured B was asleep, it was like 10pm when were discussing this, so I said “Well I cant say that tonight” and a few min later B signed on. I had been crying a little and was upset and frustrated. B sent me a hello, with a happy face and asked how I was doing. I knew I had to talk to him, and normally I woulda just came at him telling him I was crying and hurt, etc etc. But I took Music Dudes advice and replied differently. It went like this…

B “How are you?”

Me “Wishing you were here with me”

B” Really?”

Me “Yeah

B ” Awwww I wish I was with you too”

Me” I want to see you more at my house, where we have more privacy”

B “Yeah”

Me “So when are you going to come over?”

B “Ummm ummm ummm what are you doing tomorrow night?”

Me” Waiting for you to get your butt over here”

B “Oh,darn. I was expecting you to say your boyfriend was coming over so Id be off the hook”

LOL Goof! So he said hes coming out tonight and he went into work earlier and I said Id make dinner. So I didnt whine and cry, just told him I wanted him over. 🙂 And well I think that went well.

Thank you Music Dude. 🙂

I ran into my ex’s Aunt and Uncle at the store last night and we talked for awhile. I picked up some new pillows for my bed and a few other items I needed. I found a mattress yesterday I really like, it will take about 2 weeks though for it, so Ill go and place the order probably by tommorrow. Ohhh I loved it, I was laying on all these beds and nothing was striking me as something I really oooheed and ahhhhed until I laid on this one.

I went to the gym, my gym buddy was just finishing and we chit chatted, all the cardio machines were taken so I went straight to doing weights for my arms, and he said hed come with me. I said “Ohhh your gonna stay for me?” and hes all “Sure” so we go over to the first machine, he always sets it up, puts the weights on and gets me breathing right and looking and focusing, and then sometimes he just makes me laugh and I cant look at him. He said “Well you look all chipper, your smiling, I like that” I ended up telling him about the guy at the gym asking me out, hes all “Who Who” since hes a reg there also. So he said if the guys asks me again just tell him “Thanks, but Im not interested” And he said if he bugs me beyond that, come get him. 🙂 haha aweeee, he was making comments at me as we are working out saying how cute I am. He just throws out comments in such a relaxed manner tossed into conversations and I try not to acknowledge them? I mean dont get me wrong I notice and I like it! But I dont want to be all overly gaga about it. Its nice. And hes really cool and has always been a good guy to me. Hes like the gym social butterfly.

So he upped my weights on my arms, I always say “No thats too much” And hes all “Uh uh, see you look fine, your toned, but notice how you first started with 5 pds here and now your at 20? Thats good!” and he does push me which I need and he does it in such a good encouraging manner.

Well guess Im gonna wrap this up, not sure that Ill get any painting done tonight with B out, unless he comes later then expected. I plan to cram in the gym before he arrives after work. Then we can hang out, and eat dinner and I might go get a movie. I was watching half of Girl Interrupted on TV the other day, and found out B never saw it. Reason it came up was I was watching the scene where the girl hangs herself in the bathroom, and the comments Angelina Jolie made to her the night before about her life and her Dad, and then winona’s character is all upset and crying, Angelinas character responds differently, And honestly, her character reminded me of B. The type of things he says, his dark humor, his blunt honesty at times, So Im kinda curious to watch the whole movie again myself since its been awhile. So I might get that one.

Well Im outta here. Just a comment to Daisey if you are reading. Hope you are doing ok, Im thinking about ya, and just caught up on your diary. Dont worry you dont have to be there for everyone else. Its ok to take time to care for you, friends will understand that ok?

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