Dumb Man

Dear Diary,

Well Im a lil angry now. Im like just wanting my kids away from my ex. He uses his visitation time to be with women?

And I wonder why on earth I wanted full custody. This is why!

Ive been in a divorce chat this eve and talking with people about these issues. I was asking should I pursue this issue about my ex going out with people? That he meets up with women from the internet and has slept with 6 women Im aware of that he told me about? But its just words? What proof do I have? Other then him telling me.

Also if this woman he is seeing and isnt divorced, and I know she was arrested for domestic violence against her ex, my attorney could find out this info right? To say what kind of woman my kids are around? Or do the courts care about such things?

I guess Im asking is this worth pursuing. My ex is obviously stupid and clueless as to bring a woman around the kids. I have had a man around, but never on intimate terms. B and I dont even hug or kiss around them. They dont even know Im “With” someone because I keep it separate in my life. And i have the kids 95% of the time. My kids told me they slept at this womans house last night also. And he told my kids to not tell me about this? Like he thinks they wouldnt???

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