Hangs Himself

Dear Diary,

X spouting off all over the place!

Sat it was the “The kids are sexually acting out!”

Today it is “Well uhh, I just meant the kids were acting out in general”

He is going back on words over and over again, contradicting himself. He is trying to scare me with threats to waiver to what he wants in court. And each time I refuse his requests he threatens “Well nevermind! Its going to trial and its gonna cost a lot of money and your gonna loose the house and all the equity is going to have to pay for this trial!”

I respond “So you would rather have your children thrown out of their home, spend all of this money and end up with zero in the end?”

YES! he yelled.

Then he threated hes going after me for purjury and tax evasion. Ohhh gees!

I got my attny this AM, I arrived as he was so I got him in the parking lot, he said this will involve the other attny who deals with sexual allegations. I have an appt with this attny tommorow.

My employers set me up, I went in today and met with the attorney they told me about. She gave me some great advice! On my concerns over this weekends visitation from ex. I was very concerned he may take them to the mothers.

So I am getting a letter from my counselor. Stating the concerns for the home of the mother in law not be a healthy environment for the children. Since she is aware and I share all of this with her. And she is a liscensed professional.

I already put the call into her today and she was more then happy to provide this, and also provide a letter on the children that she has observed NO unhealthy sexual behavior in my children. Since she is with my children every week for their groups and observes them also in the play group. She also handles all of the sexual abuse groups at the outreach.

Its been a busy day. I was given a lot of information, a lot of ideas and people working to my benefit to help me out.

My Ex said today on the phone “I will not be trampled on by you!”

Im standing up for what is true, and what is right. He is the one out of line. And as boyfriend said “Let him talk, the more you allow him to the further he hangs himself.”

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