Boyfriend Bye BYe & Kids

Dear Diary,

So B left for work this AM, I wont see him until Sunday, hes getting picked up by his friend and working for them tonight at his old part time job, and he will stay the night at the guys house, and help the guy with his computer and probably work Sat night also, he will return on Sunday. So its kinda weird feeling, its his first time GONE since moving in.

Yeah funny how I feel sad, Im not mad or anything, I just like having him in bed at night and all. HA! Did I just say that? When sometimes Im complaining how annoying he can be cause he just goes to bed and doesnt wanna have sex?

So I know its good that he get away some, I need to do more of the same.

My oldest has two birthday parties this weekend! Sat 11-4 out of town with a boy to play Lazer Tag, and Sunday at a pizza place, which is cool, he gets to get out all weekend, B is gone, so me and youngest will have a lot of time together.

Last night he was showing me a scar on his leg(he got off the swingset years ago when I was with his Dad)

He asked me about other stories how he got hurt when he was little, I told him and he gets a kick out of that and wants me to share more. We talked about the split lip and tongue almost bit off episode and him having to go to the ER and having stiches to his tongue!

And the bottle of Electrical Lubricant he drank out of that fell out of his Dads truck in the driveway, luckily it wasnt a poison so he was safe.

When he was a toddler, yep those are the things he did.

Oldest had some trouble in school this week, not really sure whats happened as he just tells me his version, said a kid pushed him down 3 times monday at recess, then they had to go to see the principal who then told them they had to spend the day in her office on Tues? Im all huh? For what? Hes all “Mom I didnt do anything” wed he said a kid in class called him a name, hit him in the back of the head with a water bottle, my son cried, teacher kept him after and asked him if he wanted to go talk to the principal about it, he said “No I dont want to sit in there all day again” I told him I think the teacher meant do you want to go tell her whats going on?

Anyways, this resulted in us having a talk about bullying, name calling, how to handle it, my little one was so cute as he walks in and says “I just say WHATEVER” or “I KNOW YOU ARE” my oldest is like me, hes sensitive, good hearted, I rarely have to spank or discipline him cause if you raise your voice you can have him sobbing. Unless my youngest who you can spank, yell at , take toys away, you name it and hes mad at YOU and stubborn.

So I told him if people know they can make him cry, they will keep doing stuff to him, and not to let them have that power, I wish I knew this stuff as a kid and somebody talked to me about it you know? Then little one says “Mom is it true what Dad said, if someone bothers us to just punch them?” I said “What do you think?” They both said “Nooooo” I know where this came from as ex was on this kick after reading a book where you just beat up people who bug you. I told the kids there is a time for that to defend yourself, but silly school stuff and names? I said “If you did that what would happen to you?” they both know they would get in worse trouble or suspended. But Ive told them if someone is physically harming them or touching them or they cant get away they do whatever they have to, and to always let there mom know of any teasing or taunting and we can take care of it.

My oldest is an interesting kid, B relates to my youngest more, he says my oldest is “Weird” lol. Just that he doesnt relate to his nature, which I do. Hes very self confidant, comfortable, chatty, friendly, affectionate, he hugs all the teachers and principal and after school workers.

Hes a good student, sits and does his homework on his own quietly, likes to read, likes to play alone, likes quiet, watching tv, calling friends on the phone to talk. And his teacher told me hes a kid pretty much everyone in the class likes, boys and girls. And this year he has been invited to so many birthday parties its not even funny. One week it was 3, now he has two this weekend, and one is only 4 boys being taken to play Lazer Tag out of town. Hes gonna love it!

SO Im not sure what Im going to do this weekend, more cleaning Im sure. Maybe go see my girlfriend D.

I talked to my new neighbor some the other day, I was mowing the front lawn, it had been over a month, it wasnt all overgrown since the weather is cooled down but looked yuck and leaves everywhere and porch and sidewalk needed to be swept. Neighbor guy says “You want me to finish that for you? Wheres your husband at? Why isnt he doing it?” LOL

Some guys are so amazed I do the lawn, Ive had comments before.

My mom said “I didnt raise no dummies”

Anyways, I said “Oh hes not my husband, and he commutes and isnt in till after dark” besides he wouldnt do it anyways.

So we talked some, about our kids, their ages, my dog, hes self employed, etc. They arent the most impressive neighbors, kinda dirty and trashy, I havent met his wife or girlfriend or whatever she is yet, just seen her, but shes a white girl who talks like a black woman. And last i heard her yelling that she was tired of being broke and she has nothing to do all day but laundry and she then took off. They use the side door alot which faces my kitchen so I hear a lot of their convos.

Hate to say it, but I hope they dont stay, hope someone better moves in down the line but Im doing my best to be a good neighbor and keep some communication and friendliness going.

I had to drive to the accountants house for work yesterday. I hadnt drive to that side of town, the park where I went jogging in months. Now it looks like the outdoor stage ampitheatre is finally being built, and the part had some tents and a sign that said ICE SKATING???? SO I told youngest we need to go check that out this weekend, we never have ice skating here! We had a rink when I was a child that I went to but it closed long ago.

That side of town just keeps growing, its so nice, all the nice homes and makes me long to live in such an area.

Well a coworker is buying us all lunch today as a christmas gift. YAY! So Im off for now. Later…..

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