Saw Him Again

Dear Diary,

Well B made some mention of going to the Anger group tonight and then ?????? he wrote, so I wrote him back and said “Im assuming you were eluding to coming over? I would like to be alone” and he wrote back and said “Yeah I figured you might want to be after all the time I was there”

And that was that. He doesnt give me a hard time over it, its just I give myself a hard time saying No.

So about 30 min later coworker comes in and asks if I will run to the Accountants House to pick up something. So I head out to the neighboring city, Cute Gym GUy literally is less then 5 min from the house Im going to. So I called him, he didnt answer. So as I was leaving I drove by and was going to just drop a hello note at his place, well I get there and hes there and hes all “Hey, come on in” He was in the midst of ripping out the old floors in his bathroom and kitchen. So he didnt hear the phone ring. Hes been busy! Hes repainting, and putting in tile, and since its an apartment the owners foot the materials bill and all. I know hes lived in this place for like 10 yrs, so its way overdue for all of this and its good hes finally caring some to spruce it up. He also had all these books and magazines out, and told me how hes throwing stuff out, getting rid of some of his past he doesnt want around any longer.

He hugged me, told me how sweet I smelled and made his mmmmm sound that he does when holding me. It was nice, he just presses against me and just envelopes me with his hugs.

I stayed about 15 min and we just chatted and he showed me stuff he was doing, then I had to go, he walked me over, said “Just Friends?” I said “Yep” He said “Friends Always” I said “Well as long as you dont tick me off or do something icky sure” haha and he gave me a quick peck and we said goodbye.

And it was just nice to see him.


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