Titanic Exhibit

Dear Diary,

Well Im home after my day out. Its cloudy here, supposed to be more rain on the way.

We went to the Titanic exhibit. It was cool, although I wish I could have afforded the headphones taped part of the tour which was extra $5 per person. Its just amazing all of these things that have been laying at the bottom of the ocean for over 70 yrs!

Dishes, shoes, clothes, money, jewelry, etc

Some perfume bottle samples in a little case that belonged to a perfume manufacturer. This guy survived the Titanic, and can you imagine them finding something from 70 yrs ago and your past. Wow how cool.

They had the largest piece of the Titanic recovered there, it was so strange and amazing to look at a piece of it. The Imax film was cool but not as in depth as I thought it would be or I thought it would have had better footage.

They have a large duplicate of the Grand Main staircase and a woman dressed as Molly Brown talking to us as if she is there. It was cute. And we are all given boarding passes as we enter the exhibit. We are given a name, what class we are in, where we are going, our age, etc. These are the real names of passengers on the Titanic, they she was asking what class folks we were and it was humorous. My Mom and kids got 3rd class while I was 2nd class. It was cool tho, a woman featured in the film was 7 and sailed on the Titanic and was put on a lifeboat. Her huge Teddy Bear was left behind and how she has never had a teddy bear since.

I had her boarding pass. Then at the end of the tour you look at the wall with each class, who survived and who was lost and find the name on your pass.

Made me want to read historical accounts from survivors, they had several books for sale so maybe Ill look on the net for some.

My youngest wasnt behaving too well for part of it, and so they are both in their rooms with no TV and Ive told them its QUIET time. Thats the tough part with off track, the togetherness and the sibling arguing. Teasing and annoying eachother.

B went to this musuem all the time as a kid he said, since he lived near there and said how he loved that place.

So Im home now, just spoke to my girlfriend A in Florida briefly. Her hubby is in Navy and has been gone since before Christmas, its strange, she says she doesnt know where he is, I asked her if hes sent over for the war, she said “I dont know” so either its hush hush? Or he just doesnt tell her cause hes afraid she will freak out? Who knows. She said her daughter just started a preschool twice a week out there. Which Im sure its tough, new state, new home, your husband is gone and you dont know where and you havent seen him in months, and shes on a military base as a stay home mom of 2.

Shes gonna call me tonight at 6pm.

Well gonna go for now! Later!

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