Legal Stuff

Dear Diary,

Court date is a no go for Mon for Ex. They got all his paperwork to tell him and all back with “MOVED” scribbled on all of it.

They also told me during the Thanksgiving outburst from my ex when they told him they needed a valid living address if he wanted the kids during a school day, he provided them one, but I didnt know he told them “its a visitation ONLY address, not a mailing address”

So $500 later, the paper work and serving all has to be redone, and they told me when he moves he is to submit his new address to the courts. Umm yeah right. He doesnt pay any court ordered support.

This almost feels pointless. Why shell out money to chase him? And nothing happens.

I know one day it will all come back to bite him.

But I dont want to waste my income on this you know?

So I wrote him an email and said “If you truly want to settle, then you need to provide a VALID mailing address to the courts” And I told him I was not going to draw up a settlement until he does so. Im also thinking from now on I will require he have to come into the attny office to pick up paperwork from them so they have proof he has it.

What an ass

And my girlfriend D, well she has an appt today for a consultation with my attny. Im confused as to whats going on, But she said her husband got some type of ex parte thing or something and said they are going to court tomorrow and hes seeking full custody and for her to be out of the house. So shes all in a panic and trying to call friends to come up with money for a retainer fee. It breaks my heart. I couldnt comment to her cause I have no real idea what is going on. I cant see him getting some type of temporary order like that unless he can claim she is an unfit mom. Umm yeah a full time stay home Mom who has been homeschooling while he is always at work. I hate it when people get nasty like this.

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