Little Excitement in Me : )

Dear Diary,

I just got my Jeep back with AC now!!!!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!

Yes Im way too excited over getting AC in a vehicle, but when you live in 100 degree weather and your back and boobs are all sweaty when ya gonna anywhere, well its NICE. I just went out to try it out and I was all smiley sitting with my engine running putting my hands against the vents. Im a goof.

Well B is free except for Sat night. He has to work, Im free all of that too, Im not sure yet if Im gonna go and swim at Mr C’s with the kids. I find it very interesting all of the responses from my readers. Each different perspective. It is true you can take 5 different people have them watch the same thing but each one gets something different from it.

So in some ways its a bit confusing. I have to make decisions for myself, but its just interesting how some people are throwing up WARNING, some people say GO FOR IT, and on and on.

But as they shared with me in group awhile back, be careful when you do ask for advice, because each persons opionion is based on THEIR life experiences. I think we can learn from one another, yet at the same time we try to place our own circumstances on people because of similarities we have been through.

I have been feeling a bit leaning towards trying things with B, spending time with him and the kids this weekend and talked to him about dinner tomorrow night already.

Mr C came on already and asked if me and the kids want to meet up tomm nite in B’s neck of the woods. And asked about a movie or ChuckiE Cheese with them. I said I wasnt sure and Id get back to him, he replied “Ok, nevermind, was just trying to do a spontaneous impulsive thing” I said “So now its nevermind the idea?” he said “No sorry, its no big deal dont worry about it” Mr C has told me one of his habits is he pouts, sooo he seemed a little strange when i didnt just jump on for the ride with his idea.

But Im not a mommy, I dont want to baby men. : ) Ive learned that one already so if he gets quiet, well then he can go be quiet alone Im not gonna come for him.

He went to watch his roomie perform today at a live show, said it was really cool but then got back to find he was rejected from a acting agency.

He did get his replacement phone also FINALLY, so he has his phone again. He said he was up early this AM trading stocks with his Dad.

I was wondering if he was involved in investing, I mean a person wonders how people are in financial places they are. I had just started expressing a desire in the stock market towards the end of my marriage and my brother was sending me info on it since he does also. But then things took a turn in my life, and there hasnt been the extra money to invest any longer.

I also emailed a casting director today, coworker had told me a few weeks ago to say he recommended I talk to him. Ive been nervous about making first contact, but I did it today. So will see what he says back. I have always wanted to try acting, its been there since I was a teenager, but always felt “I wasnt good enough” but hey its time to pursue some new things, take some new risks right! One has to try. I also told B I want to go to a local male dancer show here. HAHA, you know men oiled up dancing in those little briefs? I heard the commercial yesterday and it said “Newly divorced ladies come on out!” My other married girlfriend went once and said it was a blast. I am curious and think it would be fun to just go out with the girls and scream and laugh and have some drinks. B says go for it. Its like there are some things I just want to see in my lifetime, and experience, so its time Victoria. 🙂

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