Lil Attention?

Dear Diary,

Well weekend is here. Im having a yard sale this weekend. Time to clean out the garage! So I wont be going anywhere! And cleaning junk out of my house. Im having it for 2 days so Im gonna be a busy girl.

Things with boyfriend have been pretty mellow. I guess I feel like somethings wrong, but doesnt mean anything has to be wrong. I guess I should say things are Boring right now? Our conversations. They just arent very engaging, hes not his usual chatty self, but like I have to always be the same way all the time either? I think I have gotten so used to drama and high energy I thrive on it. I am craving excitement. I just need to find other ways to meet that need within myself. But it seems I generally crave male excitement.I want a partner along.

I will have the next weekend free! Ex is taking kids. So I will have 2 nites and 2 1/2 days. I want to go do something, go stay the nite out of town or something. But once again thats always tough to discuss with boyfriend for me. And his part time job is generally Sat nites.

The conference will be the next weekend, so he said he will go to that with me 🙂 Now I just need to figure some plans for my next weekend!

Sigh, I just miss the lil spark with boyfriend, things are just kinda there right now. I just want some attention.

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