Woman caught having Affair

Dear Diary,

The immediate thought that came to my mind after getting that email was the story of the woman caught in adultery thrown before Jesus. In that story some men brought a woman who was commiting adultery and threw her on the ground before Jesus. And they said “Look! We caught her in the very act! Should we stone her?” My pastor said when sharing this story years ago”Notice they didnt bring the man? Where was the man she was sleeping with?” So what did Christ say to these men? “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” And of course they all took off. Then what did Jesus say to the woman? “Go and sin no more, you are forgiven”

My pastor has said it could have possibly been a set up, since the man was nowhere to be found, that they just wanted to do away with this woman. And what did Christ do? Tell her to get her face out of his sight and tell her she is a whore and that no man of God will ever want her?

This story just came to mind. Even though we christians claim to follow the Bible the way we handle situations is so far from the way Christ did. I am troubled though, because either that man set me up and reported me, or else the site goes thru and reads our private messages.

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