Juice Fast

Dear Diary,
Well our church is doing Fasting and Praying for the month of January. Up to each person what they choose to fast from.

So along with doing that which has its spiritual aspects to it for prayer… I found another blogger who documented his fast. Reason I found his blog is because when I have done a Juice Fast, my mouth feels really weird, my tongue feels chalky and my mouth does too and your teeth just feel coated. It was worse the second day. This guy wrote an interesting thing about the tongue and that it happens. Fascinating.

Anyways Ive been following his whole blog, he documents foods, recipes, fasts, exercise, etc.

I have fasted before. And really I think its just starting it thats hard.

If you havent. And i have blood sugar issues so I wont do a water fast, but I can do a pure juice fast from my juicer. I did one once before and incorporated broth after 4 days or so. I think I did almost a week?

Its fascinating, because each time you think of eating or craving, you are reminded of why you are doing this. That is when God has my attention and my prayers for those I am in prayer over come to the forefront of my mind.

You also dont realize how much of our lives revolve around FOOD. Its everywhere and everything. I am fortunate that I can be home and do this. As its tough if your a busy mom with small kids or working outside and needing to be physical or deal with a lot of people, your thinking skills, etc.

Well Im speaking for me here. I dont think as well, my thoughts can be a little slow at times. But this times Im finding it interesting?

After reading this guys blog, he goes over the health benefits of fasting, how it sort of reboots your immune system. How its really good for your insulin and all types of other things.

I am surprisingly doing well! Im quite shocked actually. I have about 3 juices a day, yes they take time to make, I wash all the fruits/veggies, cut them, juice them, clean the juicer, repeat.

My juice is 1 Granny Apple, Half a lemon(well mine are good sized from my tree), section of a cucumber, chunk of ginger, 3 carrots and 2 stalks of Kale. Then I add in 3 drops of grapefruit seed extract. Its good to ward off sickness, and gross tasting but masks well in juices.

I did do Oregano Oil yesterday under the tongue as its good to change up what you use. They work as anti virals too to ward of flu bugs. And I know a lot of people are getting sick with the flu.

So yeah I pulled into Fresh and Easy as I was low on some fruits/veggies I needed, I turned my head in the parking lot to see the woman in the car next to me chowing down. Mmmm I always stop here and get a chocolate croissant from their bakery and eat it in the car… so that flashed in my mind, and once again I was reminded of why Im doing this.

So 3 times a day, and I drink water, warm lemon water first thing in the am.

I have managed to wash a car and mow a lawn 2 days in a rown! I am surprised I have the energy, and Ive walked the dog at night too

Ive not been moody or grumpy. I actually feel more at Peace. its interesting.

Hubby did it for one day with me, and hes ready to go out to eat and fix up a dinner. Im kinda leaving him on his own right now. He can manage. He thinks Im going to go eat tomm with him as I said I was probably going to go until Saturday, but I dont know? Its hard enough to decide to do this and then I want to go as long as I can.

Also the guy whos blog I read talked about how fasting is a good way to loose weight and get your weight back in order. Interesting, as Im not starving myself, Im getting a lot of nutrients from the fruit and veggies, but we eat for so many other reasons, emotions, boredom, addictions to sugars, caffeine, etc.

I have lightly dealt with a headache but have used hubbys rumble roller on my back, and put a lot of pressure in the area next to my shoulder blades, dont ask me why that works! But it does! My headaches always seem to be connected through my upper back/neck area. So deep pressure there helps.

Its been a weird week. Weird in the sense that I have only talked to my Mom and Hubby. I havent spoke to my sis since that day, she did text me late last night and say she loves me, I said I loved her back.

I also havent spoke to my gf E, my other close friend from back home who has maintained regular contact with me since moving to Az. She has been quiet since I have returned, well let me take that back, just brief messages, and her last message was how bad she was doing, and didnt sound like herself. So I suspect there are some things going on shes not telling me. She started to talk to a guy on Christian Mingle, and thats when she got strange, not herself at all and her life she said is the most out of control its ever been as a christian. So I took that as a big red warning sign about the guy shes speaking too but she didnt say much, said he was an Asst Pastor. Which I partially doubted…. Im one to check people out and want more info to verify. I was asking “Divorced? Widowed?” as he was in his 50s…. anyways she said he wanted to meet and she prayed to God to not let her sleep for 3 nights to tell her she should not go.

I dont get that logic??? Is that scriptural? I wont go out with a man God if you wont let me sleep for 3 nights as a sign?

So yeah, Im concerned, since shes not sharing much, something is up.

So Im kinda on my own these days.

I have been doing well at the store so far. I got the front and back lawns mowed finally, they hadnt been done since before Thanksgiving or so. They werent thick, it was more of leaves and weeds from the rain. So it always makes me feel good to get my yards in shape. Also the cars were gross but it kept raining lightly all the time so I waited. Today hubby got off early from training and I managed to get him to cut some branches off a tree in our backyard that were leaning on the neighbors roof, I didnt want any damage from that so Id been on him the past year, so today he did it! And we got a bunch of firewood now too.

Going to the veggie/garden swap tomm AM. So Im taking Lemons, Oranges, Grapefruit, Tangelos and some Lemon Curd. I have missed the last few either because I was gone or location. Sad some of my fave people wont be there, but some others will be, and we always leave with some wonderful things!

Onto the weekend.

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