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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Dear Diary, Just was in the middle of a chat with Mr Drool guy. Haha hows that for a name? We are in the same chat room, Ive been wanting to talk to him more but I always play it cool. So kinda wait and see if people wanna talk to or are interested in…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Dear Diary, Im crying again. I did well after work, but I was just waiting for Mr Comedy to leave, I just wanted to cry, cry, let out how i feel. He came out, to hang with me. It was cool and all, I got my mind of things a little, we went out to…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden