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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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Dear Diary! Yep me again! As I just finished up the last entry music dude came on. We are gonna meet up Thursday night! How coool! So Ill drive down there and we will meet at 7pm he said at a Coffee House on Melrose Ave. And he has a job meeting at 7:30 said…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Dear Diary, I just want to cry. I just want B to come over, crawl into bed with me and hold me. I just want to be held. I am feeling depressed today. I just spent over an hour on the phone with my sister and we talked about her therapy more, our parents. And…
Dear Diary, Well Im so out of wack at the moment. Im suffering from a headache, took Tylenol so its finally starting to kick in but I have to mellow so it goes away. I spent half the day wired and go go go go. Ex came in and signed the papers in the attny…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden