Gloves Are Off
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As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented - but may be again soon
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This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Dear Diary, Im back again! heehee I just checked my AOL account email and noticed I had my first TOS violation ever. And I knew what it was about. This guy messaged me last night. I ignored him, he was typing TALK! and I was playing a game, so later when I went back to…
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
This Post Is Marked As Friends Only As of the new DearDiary System the Friends system is not currently implemented – but may be again soon This content is therefore hidden
Just jotting down another one of my dreams. Had this one last night. I was in an old historic house but not the current one I live in now. There were many people inside and I was standing on top of a padded foot rest and seeing this vent up near the cieling, it just…