Kids/Fathers Day
Dear Diary,
Well I was just reading over Adored’s entry. haha, your entries create lots of thoughts for me as of late.
About Fathers Day and her son and ex husband and all that.
For the past 2? 3? I dont even know to be honest, my ex has chosen to be away on Fathers Day, not spend it with the children.
And once again he did it this year, when he planned his trip to the mountains I said “Fathers Day?” and he said “oooh I cant”
Thinking back, when my youngest was in Kindergarten the Private school had special things and invited the Dads, and his Dad did not attend that either.
When we were married I did things for Fathers Day, the kids typically make a craft or card or what have you at school, and they usually end up taking it to him eventually when they do get to see him.
Ive not bought a gift of card for my ex. I really dont want to or feel I need to, but that is due to my kids ages. I tell them they can make cards themselves etc etc. I leave it up to them in my situation.
When we were married my ex did not do anything for Moms day, if it werent for hte church we attended, I wouldnt have gotten anything but they had crafts and things for them.
Well last year for Moms Day my ex did buy me something a stuffed animal and a card, it was from the kids though, but was a bit surprising.
My sister(oldest one who recently went out with Ex) kept telling my ex to get things for me, that he should give the kids money to get me things, etc etc.
I dont necessarily agree, if he wants to fine, but my kids make things for me each year in school and in the after school program and those mean more to me then something my ex could purchase.
Isnt it weird though? I mean that he goes away every Fathers Day?
I know I wrote it before, but it just dawned on me, how my youngest said in counseling yesterday how he misses his Dads cooking and pancakes, and how the kids have begun recently asking B to make them pancakes or homemade waffles, and not asking when Im around, usually Im off doing something and hes in the kitchen getting started. Its kinda sweet.
Also my message board group suggested B and I have a trial run with living together, where he doesnt move out of his place right away, but just stays with me for 2 weeks, to see how we both like it. And they also suggested I sit down with the kids and ask there feelings about it. I think those are perhaps both good ideas. 🙂