He called

Dear Diary,

I kid you not, as soon as I finished the last entry my ex phoned my coworker!

She talks loud when he calls her, she is in the neighboring office and I swear she talks out loud on purpose, I can tell its him from the first sentence.

He said he just drove by our work and harrassed her about being pregnant and gossip about their old employer.

Was just weird that he called after I vented about him.

My Mom called also shes gonna take my oldest wed after school for dinner and do homework with him, she offered to help me with the kids and alternate on wed spending time and doing homework with one of them.

I told her about little ones tantrum. She seems to think its because my ex did drugs in his past and this is the effects of it. Who knows, but I dont really think thats it to be honest, there was no drug use during our dating and my ex’s drug use in his past was small actually, his Dad is a druggie but my ex just experimented a little around age 16 but didnt stay in that. He didnt drink either. That was all in his past, so hed been alcohol and totally drug free for over 5 yrs when we got pregnant with the youngest.

Just like My mom seems to think my youngest has the weak enamel on his teeth because she thinks my diet was poor during my pregnancy? I was healthy, took my vitamins, and never had any problems. But she wants to explain it all her way. The dentist told me its genetic, he has enamel dysplasia its called. And it makes total sense from my ex’s side how his mom, dad, gma, and most of his aunts and uncles have No teeth, dentures, or poor teeth. And little one had these problems very early.

All I can do is be on him to brush and make sure he sees the dentist regularly, Im making sure he has sealant on all his new teeth.

Oh and to Adored, I have no idea how it works in your divorce. But I know if my ex refused to respond, they said that it would just default, and in the end I would get what I want, does it work that way for you guys? All I can go from is my situation….

They have to formally set up custody and support, Even if you dont want it, the expense declaration is just a normal part of the divorce process, this is where my ex was going to default if we went to trial as he never provided this.

Even though we had the visitation and custody set up, it had to be formalized for the final copy, so its sorta like, we did custody, we did support, we confirmed we were okay with where it was, then the divorce was final.

So what exactly do they want you to go to trial over? And can your ex default for not responding? If thats the case, its actually in your favor.

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