Letter from Military Dude

Dear Diary,

Just got home. Stopped by and placed an order for my new mattress on my way home. Will take 1-2 weeks for it to arrive. YAY! Cant wait.

Also listening to the radio and news about Elizabeth Smart being found. I was amazed, since it was so long she was missing. Im glad she is alive. They had the kidnappers ex wife on the radio and she said he was a pedophile. So God knows what this man did to her all this time he had her.

But Praise God she is with her family and safe.

I talked to Music Dude a lot today, we talked about our relationships. I for the first time heard Music Dude and Comedy dude tell me B is behaving abusive towards me. And yes I would agree. But they also were very proud of me for the email I wrote to him. B did write back, all the email said was “K” and nothing more.

He did write me an email before he got that one, saying he felt really relaxed, well fed and rested thanks to me having him over. Which was sweet, but also hes treating me like shit and I have to put a stop to it.

So music dude and I spoke a lot, we starting joking again that if we are single a year from today lets get married. Haha. I know we are both still interested in eachother to a degree, I think we just both feel really safe with eachother. So we can be very open and honest with one another and we can talk about our feelings together really well.

So I get home from work today, check the mail, and my eyes lit up! A letter from my Military Man in Kuwaitt. ::Sigh::

He isnt able to email me anymore and I didnt expect to hear from him, but I did!

His letter reads….


Hey you. I hope that this letter finds you happy and doing well.

As for myself. I am still alive and breathing, which is about all I can say that is good.

Soon things will begin to happen here. My men are nervous, They worry about their wives and children back home. They worry about never leaving this place alive. I do my best to assure them that they be okay. I made a promise that I will bring them home and no matter what, no one will ever be left behind.

At this point all I care about is keeping my men alive and completeing my mission.

I hope that you are doing okay there in California. I am sorry that there is little I can say but the sun is going down and I will not have enough light to see the paper.

Take Care of yourself,

All my Love,


God my eyes just welled up. First off Im so touched he wrote me while there.

And I do wonder if he will return to the states.

I pray to God he stays safe.

Lord is he what you have for me? I always do wonder, Will he just be a great memory in my life to cherish, or will there be more to come for as long as he and I have been corresponding.

There is an address on this envelope. Worth a shot to try and write it back right??


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