Nakie Pics?

Dear Diary,

Well I visit another website/message board a lot now so I dont write about every little thing here anymore. I get a lot of specific support on abuse there which is nice. 🙂 Like a internet support group.

Last night I was online and my girlfriend, the one I saw Scarface with wanted to send me something from a guy L we both know. She sent me pictures of his Penis!

No lie, I laughed, and Im like he sent these? Shes like “Yeah, I sent him some naughty pics of me and he owed me” And shes all “Do you want to see more?” I just find this strangely ODD to be honest. We both adore L. See I met my girlfriend online years back. She was the first person to give me the hotline number and tell me my Ex was abusive to me. We used to go to internet parties or dances. We had a little click of us regulars. We had a lot of fun back then. And that is where I met her, except she and I live in same town. And we met L from the chat room events also. L and I took a trip to the zoo together when my kids were small, he brought his son, we had a fun time, and my ex would have had a cow if he ever knew back then. But my kids were tiny then and werent talking or talking well. So he never knew about our day at the zoo and the beach.

So my friend and him have been buddies also. They both share the same raunchy humor. I honestly believe she would love to date the guy. I just dont think hes interested in her like that.

But to send me photos of him? I really didnt get why? Was she bragging? Just being silly? I mean thats personal stuff and if they are talking intimate why just share this with me????? Or is she making fun of him? I dont know. It just struck me really odd. Later last night she told me “Your drooling over the pictures arent you!”

Umm ookkkk?

Well I didnt post here but I know my ex is paying all his bills and truck lease on time for the past 3 mos. Prior to that he was late alot. So hes claiming he has no job yet is paying out these bills on time during his supposed moving here unemployed time? Just very frustrating. December marks Month #5 of no spousal or child support.

He has a court date to appear Jan 6th to compel discovery of his income, finances, all that stuff. I dont have to be present. So will be curious to hear how that goes. I was talking to my gym buddy about it, he said well they will want his Tax info and all that. Im like “I know, and my ex told me didnt do his taxes last year” Guy at the gym is all WOA, thats even worse, they will tell him he HAS to go and get it done. They want to know about his income for the past 2 yrs since we separated.

Well gonna go for now,later!

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