
Dear Diary,
Last nights dream, want to jot this one down. Cant remember all of it, but maybe more will come to me as I type it out.

I dreamt I was walking through was huge and green with column structures, it made me think of a national park, Washington DC.

I know I was with my big sister just prior to walking through this area of green.

The sky began to get dark, like storm clouds instantly rolling in and wind picking up, HEAVY Wind. Then things starting to move and shift, I wanted to turn around and run back to where I had been with my sister. But I thought of the scriptures in the Bible where it says not to look back, to flee, like when Lot and his family left Sodom and Gomorrah.


So I continued and this huge white structure with huge white columns began to collapse, I was running underneath it and knew I wouldnt make it out as it was coming down, but it fell to the ground on the end in front of me first, and was titled at an angle as it fell resting on the broken columns, so it was shaped like an old style tent, the area underneath, and I ran out the side, and just kept running.

At some point I ended up far away, and came upon a little restaurant and I was hungry but I thought for sure nothing would be open, systems would be wiped out from what was happening, but people were there, eating, acting oblivious to what was happening like it was just a normal day.

That is all I can remember, I have a flash of my oldest son showing up in a truck, but Im not sure if that was at the beginning before this went down, or after?

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