Health Update #3

Dear Diary,
So an update on the health front.

First I will comment on a comment left.

If you don’t mind me asking what does your tongue look like?
Funny this is first question my gf asked me mos ago when I told her about my scalp rash and its also a sign of candida. Its not a thick white coating but I have had a light coating which I brush my tongue also. So yes I have it now and then but not thick.

It sounds like to me it might be a gluten allergy. Do you eat a few processed snacks (twinkies etc) per week?

Yes I have been remvoing gluten from my diet often for sometime as it was one of the first things Ive tried to change with how I was feeling. But now and then I have a yummy, like a dessert when Im out to eat. But I buy a lot gluten free items or just stay away from most things if I can help it. I dont really eat bread these days or pasta. When we go for yogurt I choose the gluten free ones.

Next question

You may not even realize it is connected to the itching until you remove it from your shelves. It is in everyday foods like flour, Bisquick, and anything bought in a mix or pack. Even hamburger helper pasta and hamburger-hotdog buns.

Ive gotten rid of everything you listed or havent bought in years. We use Almond Flour last time we made anything requiring it. We buy fresh veggies and fruits now. No premade dishes or frozen ones either. Its all put together by us, meat, veggies and herbs.

Try more raw foods (greens-juice smoothies) not cooked greens, carrot juice (no juices store bought) the Gerson diet works VERY well for cancer recovery and I used it and it helped me a lot.

Not sure if I wrote beforehand? But Ive been juicing for years. I try and do it daily. My drink is
1 granny smith apple, chunk of ginger, 3 carrots, 1/2 cucumber, a bunch of Kale or Spinach, 1 stalk of celery and half of a lemon. Its my fave thing and I think what keeps me going and makes me feel my best!

Also try alkaline producing foods and alkaline water. Big improvement in health.

I have read on keeping your body in an alkaline state and adding lemon to your water to do that, I do warm lemon water each day to start my day.

Check urine with PH test strips and see if you are too acidic. Urine should be high alkaline low acid. Google “acidosis” and see if you have symptoms. Joint aches are a sign. I had it really bad.

Do they sell these at Walmart? Or best place to get this?

So that answers the comments 🙂

So I finished the Perfect Cleanse, it was gross having to do the drink. But overall was something we could do. Hubby and I, had more loose bowel movements a little more often and horrid gas through the middle of it. But that was really the only side effect on my end.

So we did that to prep for the Parasite cleanse, Humaworm. I got the pet formula too as they recommend if you have pets to do it same time as the family as they carry parasites also.

So we started on Thursday, 2 capsules 30 min before a meal in the am and the eve.

First thing I noticed, for me, is they left me feeling like they werent swallowed, like they were lodged in your or not fully down, but I drank plenty of water, but read on their site you can have the feeling of indigestion. So I get that often when I swallow them. Did a spoon of apple cider vinegar a little later to help with that feeling.

I did fine, worked all day moving around furniture and cleaning house.

Day 2 friday? UGH! I felt horribleeeeee! I got up with a slight headache, I did the dishes, made my juice, had my lemon water, made some eggs with cayenne pepper(maybe should have avoided dairy that day?) I dont do any milk these days, havent in mos, so I do have yogurt and eggs here and there.

Well I ate a good breakfast. And then I got back in bed, the headache was bad, and I felt nauseated, both which are signs of die off of parasites and listed on the site, found message forums of people having a migraine on day 2. Yeah thats how I felt, awful! I even took 2 tylenol early on to try and deal with it cause I hate headaches, but those didnt even help!

So I did a dry brush massage with a loofa and took a warm bath with epsom salt. They say to have a bowel movement and drink lots of water to flush out toxins will help. The bath did help! But that didnt last and the headache amped up again. I laid on hubbys rumble roller on my neck to rub the points where it hurts, when I get migraines or headaches, its always in my neck where I can feel it and have tender spots that pressure applied to helps. If i had a massuese of my own, Id have her rub my neck until my headaches were gone! It helps!

I laid in bed pretty much all day until about 3:30. I didnt want to move or talk, watched shows or napped a little. Did the massager on my neck, and laid on a heating pad on my upper back and neck.

Drank my water, went to the bathroom, later took some vitamins, did my iron in case I was low as that will give me a headache too. Some vit c, zinc and echinacea.

Had hubby get us lunch, I felt so bad. Sandwhich and salad, we found this new place from yelp reviews, omgosh its not expensive, yummy and fresh ingredients! I wanted soup most of all but they changed it, it was Kale and White bean but it was a corn chowder, and Im not doing corn so booo. 🙁

I read message forums on humaworm and some people with the bad headaches and they recommended cutting the dosage to 1 instead of 2. I felt decent the rest of the eve, the headache was barely there and I could function again. I went outside and cleaned up doggie doo doo, which they said to do immediate with your pets on the cleanse, and well one of our doggies is gross and goes after poop! And I sprayed down the patio, our other dog is in heat and little droplets all over the concrete, lovely eh? I watered the front lawn, our new seed is coming up! yay!

So anyways, we got in the jacuzzi last night, I figured I need all the help I can get to not feel cruddy! So I stayed in there with the jets on my back and neck and I was so limp and relaxed. I slept AWESOME last night, thank the Lord!

Praying today is better! I have lots to do around here!

We ate a steak hubby did on the bbq for dinner and we bbq zuchinni and squash, I scooped out the seeds and put in butter, sea salt, lots of fresh garlic and cayenne pepper. I love bbq veggies! We had grapes for dessert and we split one of my Oatmeal, applesauce, banana with dark chocolate chunks cookies. thats literally all the ingredients. Its my one snack I found to make to not use sugar and flour and all that stuff.

Scalp rash has been improving. It flared up last week, during the days after the other cleanse and I went off diet a little more, had ice cream and some things I normally avoid. And I was outside sweating a lot doing yard work. I notice sweating aggravates the rash a lot.

So as long as I apply baking soda to the rash on my scalp in the shower and let it sit a bit, it helps! Ive noticed its not itching much and Im not as flaky, if I wore a black shirt? Flakes city!

I found some info online for a natural spa treatment, so you arent using chlorine or bromelain granules, which are bad for you! Its not cheap but I want to get something good for our health to soak in.

My weight is about the same, didnt loose any on the perfect cleanse, I lost the chunk of weight when i did the candida cleanse and tweaked my diet.

So there you have it! Will update when Im in the mood!

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