Idiot Ex

Dear Diary,

Well hes at it again. Called a bit ago and said “Did the kids call?” like it was an excuse to call, that made no sense, if they call they leave a message.

I said No? Then asked if he wanted to talk to them

Then he had the youngest bring the phone back to me to ask me where the school is located for the track meet, I didnt know the location either just the name, told him to call or look in the phone book cause I didnt know myself.

Then he says “Me and my girlfriend are getting back together”

I said “Well you know what I said, I will not let the kids visit over there”

His reply “Well shes getting counseling” I said “Look that doesnt fix everything, its only been a few weeks. If the woman is hitting her kid, cheating on you, cutting herself, on and off meds, went to the hospital and checked out right when she got there after you called the cops, this isnt a place for the kids, and you left her alone with them to babysit before this happened.”

He went on about how hes a mandated court reporter and had to call??? LOL Ummm okay and your point to that is? WHich made no sense. I told him “My concern is that you didnt have the sense to get them out of there, instead called my mom and had the kids wait alone outside the complex so you could mediate your girlfriend and her daughter instead of getting you and your OWN children out of there. You can see the kids, just go somewhere else on your weekends with them.”

He said “Well we are getting back together” I said “Well I wont let them go there” Hes all “Well then i guess we will have to go to court” I said “Okay fine” and hung up the phone.

I will hold out until his visit in two weeks and see what transpires from him if anything, if need be though I will say No and then go to the court house if I have too and file. I called up D since she and her hubby both have dealt with all this. She said I can fill out forms for a restraining order that she cant be around the kids. And write down all the stuff and I have my mom as a witness also.

And then ex will get a hearing date, D is all “Heck he will probably be scared to go in since they will probably want to haul him off for failure to pay child support”

You know, seriously, its times like this, where the idea of moving away just sounds ideal. Packing up and moving out of state. Sure Id have to go to court to get permission to move but enough people have told me Id get it no problem as he isnt a contributing parent, and well he isnt helping, I could live cheaper elsewhere and it be for a financial gain for the kids and I too.

And just the idea of getting away from him sounds heavenly. Have more sporadic visits. And have some conditions upon them written up. (Like that he needs a place for them to sleep and not on peoples floors)

I listen to Dr. Laura all the time talk about how it is important to stay near a kids father and not move out of state, I dont honestly see the benefit these days, but then again she would advise goign to court with all the behaviors going on there.

Sooo, who knows, I may embark back into the wonderful world of custody issues and the court room. D told me to go and file for it myself, I dotn need an attny, and hell my ex is broke.

My mom said today “Well he must be done staying at his Uncles” I said “Oh hes always doen that with him, hes been with him on and off, but then gets upset and leaves, his Uncle will get on his ass and lecture him and my ex doesnt want to hear it”

He wants his woman, he can go have her, just not play house and throw the kids into it. Theres enough sickness going on and these two obviously cant contain it with the kids around.

This just gets old ya know?

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