Internet Fake

Dear Diary,


Well I was talking to Ex BF on the phone last night and hes all “So have you heard the big buzz in the chat room?” Im all “No?”

I havent been going in there in months really, the place where I used to go, the place where Ex BF and I would be a part of the chat crowd, the big place I used to go for years, made friends, met people, went to parties and bars with, that place.

So he said “Well it seems ***** is not real, shes some older woman from another chat room who was impersonating as a model, someone found the real models site and got in contact with her”

Okay for those who have been reading me for a long while you will know who Im speaking about.

Ive written about this girl. Ive written about how I didnt like her. Ive written about how she would talk to Ex BF, send him photos, and they even used to talk on the phone.

And she was having this internet thing with his work out buddy S who was head over heels into her.

2 yrs ago there was a bday party for S, I wrote about that in my journal. And S has over $700 in phone bills from talking to this girl. And she kept saying she would meet him then flake. So it was his bday, and she said she was coming, I was there, and this was when Ex BF lived with the woman and her daughter as roomates, and S was walking around bragging how this girl was going to come tot he party, he was smiling, and behind his back people were making bets she would not show up, and if she didnt, she was pretty low, for what she was doing to him.

But she would also talk to my THEN Bf and tell him she wouldnt meet his gym buddy, that she thought he had some problems, and BF was all “Would you meet me?” And shes all “Yes”

She is young, models, and was always sending her pics to BF, he said she had issues, but in a way I was pissed, I didnt like her, she knew I was seeing him and why on earth is she showing off seductive crap? And in the chat room it seemed she flirted with every MALE, regardless of his age, looks, you name it, and if shes this hot young thing, why on earth would she give some of these men the pleasure? I just saw her as a total attn hound.

So Ex BFs buddy has been hung up on this chick for a good 3 yrs and conducted this weird sorta bf/gf relationship with her.

Then we all got on Friendster. And she has all these totally sexy seductive shots on there, this elaborate website basically saying who all her friends are, my BF has his own section.

Anyways, you get the idea, when I was going through my wondering what was up with BF phase I deleted her pics off his computer (LOL whoops)

Well 2 pics that is.

I even said “How do you all know she is who she claims she is?” And Ex BF was all “Ive talked to her Vicky, she reminds me of myself a lot, I feel for her in some ways, shes a mess, and she told me she would meet me, just not my buddy S”

I was rolling my eyes but that was the end of that.

And yes to see ALL OF THESE MEN HAVE BEEN FOOLED, part of me wants to laugh over it.

So I hope this person gets in legal trouble for faking as this model and using her pictures.

And in some ways Im kinda glad to see it in Ex BFs face as this crap has happened to me in the past on the net, and now see how he isnt immune to it either, he bought into her lie also.

So will wait to hear the newest on this, it was a pretty elaborate hoax.

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