Sat Morning

Dear Diary,

Well I am up early on a saturday morning! EEEKS. Been up since about 7. Im not that good at sleeping in very long, unlike B who can sleep till noon on his days off, but then again he gets far less sleep all week then I do.

I made it into the gym again! YAY! 3 days in a row! Look at me go!

It feels good. 🙂

Now im sore, my legs and my upper back but its a nice reminder that my muscles are at work again.

I took the kids over to my parents to play with their cousins and got my workout in then, then i took all 4 kids back to my house, then later on my middle sister came over, the kids were out raking the leaves into a pile and playing in them.

We then headed back over to my parents for dinner, leftovers and homemade turkey noodle soup.

Mom threw 2 more pies in the oven!

B got home at like 4:30 cause there was no traffic, he said how weird it felt, Hes normally home around 6:30-7pm.

I didnt know if he was up to going back to another family get together but he went and was more sociable last night, my mom commented on it. He pretty much sat and talked computers with my bro in law, my mom has us all write down what we are thankful for and gave B a sheet for it and she said “Did I spell your name right?” He said “Yes you did actually, when I was about 6 or 7 it used to piss me off when people didnt spell it right” My mom said “Well you be nice, I just fed you” lol

I wonder what B wrote down on his paper.


So we got in around 8pm last night and just watched tv, Im tired now at night, I can see the gym doing its magic, Im more ready to relax and lay down.

So now Im writing emails back and forth to that Lady C I found thru MySpace and Im also in contact with a woman I played with as a kid but her mom still lives here in town and she told me to call her shed love to hang out and catch up but also talk old homes and restorations.

I spoke to my girlfriend L in Washington yesterday but had to cut it short cause my sis arrived. So its been nice. Ive been reaching out and calling and contacting people and Im getting responses.

I will have to call L again though cause we have never finished a conversation.

I did call my old best friend K in Colorado but I always get a voice mail and Im never sure if its even their number cause its just the recorder message. I only hear from her by cards at the holidays.

So I was just reading RockBottoms mention of thinking of going back to church and I go thru that often.

Then I get reuinited with people, like Lady C, a christian mom who got married young and in the church and had 3 kids, discipled us younger girls, homeschooled her own and then to see she basically got out of the church also and the control and a controlling husband.

I war with going back at times. I did it more because I felt its what I SHOULD do when I went, I was very religious about it. I spent pretty much age 16 to age 25 in church twice or more a week in a church service or activity. Sunday church, wed night church, mommies church group during the week.

Id say the mommies group was the best part for me. Us women with our kids in someones home sitting and talking. That is how I met my friend D.

Kevin Max wrote a new blog today about his former band DC talk and people always asking if they will reunite, he gave some background history on how he got into the group. And just how he was labeled the rebel or left field one or what have you, I didnt even know that DC Talk played at the whole fantasy land created by the Bakkers and helped clean out their room at the fall of their ministry.

Anyways, its like I sit and talk to certain people, or hear from them, and its like there are either those christians I dont relate too and seem to have their noses in the air, or the ones who are real, and open up their hearts and dont put on a facade but also show love. And Im finding a lot of them arent always in the church, you meet them while out and about.

Since playing my new albums the kids are liking it, and hearing the music and asking me questions, my youngest already likes Newsboys and plays their CD often in his player.

Okay well Im gonna scoot for now,,, later all.

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