How to Manage Living Together

Dear Diary,
10 min to leave.

So when your boyfriend writes you often and says “Whats for dinner?”

What do you say back? LOL

Its like my god its annoying, I felt some oblidagation to get dinner rolling and mainly did the first few weeks after he moved in, but was stressing myself out. Now I come home and just eat whatever, feed the kids, B can help himself just like the rest of us, I mean Im not gonna heat up a can of soup or chili if hes not home yet, I just feel like he expects me to cook dinner or something and I dont like beign asked WHATS FOR DINNER?

I guess I just need to talk to him about it, yesterday when he got home from work/gym I was all happy to see him and said Hello smiling, he literally just walks right past be with a monotone hello. As of late Ive stopped getting excited and happy to see him because of the reception I get, so last night I just went to the bedroom and watched tv and didnt acknowledge him. Well he came in after doing a few things(computer, made a sandwich, broke up the kids fighting) and came and sat next to me, I didnt talk to him just watched. He finally says “Whats wrong with you?” I said “Im just watching tv, you walk in the door and seem annoyed or like you want to be left alone and it makes it hard to be happy and greet you, so Ill just leave you alone” Hes all “Ohhhhhh geessee Vickkkkkkkkkkyyy” and i heard how he just got in the door, yada yada yada, I said “Im not asking for you to jump up and down or scream or stop what you are doing, just a smile back and a hello is kinda enough. But you are all stone faced and serious. He sat to himself a little bit, then a few minutes later leaned over and hugged me, told me he was soooo happy to see me and on and on. I loosened up, no reason to stay mad, and he said he would make an effort to change that.

He went on about how tired he is, how he works, blah blah blah, and I said “Ummm yeah so? I work same hours, pick up kids, do homework with them, make dinner……” And he says “I get up at 5am” I said “Yeah so? I mow the lawn and clean the house?” I looked at him and said “Are you trying to say you have an excuse to act grumpy?” Hes all “YES” in a sarcastic tone, I just ignored him. He got the point, I think…

its hard to figure how to juggle things when you are with a person, how to divide up and make sure one person isnt doing more, and then to have it held over you,,,,, gotta goooo

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