BAD Girl

Dear Diary,

Ive been feeling kinda blah today, and part of it hit me. Im not proud to admit this but its reality of things I feel.

My phone is not ringing.

I think I got so caught up in the rush, being pursued actively by 2 men, phone calls all throughout the day just to talk to me. It was a nice feeling I have to admit.

I have missed being pursued. And yes B is doing that, in different ways. And I have to admit, as warped as it sounds. I miss the attention from Gym Guy. Granted he and I still talk and he even brought me some things yesterday at the gym and we hugged outside before I left. But it is different now. The goofy grinned smiles arent there, and as much as his calls were something I tried to avoid, it felt good in another form to have them.

Yep, will be discussing this stuff in therapy Wednesday!

Makes me just want to call him over to hold him in bed all night again….

Bad me, Bad me

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