Pray for my Friend

Dear Diary,

Thank you Celandra for the email. She looked up what the Ex Parte thing meant….

Ex-Parte notice is telephone notice that your spouse is seeking immediate orders to be issued, prior to any hearing. These types of Orders are only issued in emergency or urgent situations. Some jurisdictions require 24 hour verbal notice to you before a court will issue Orders, and other jurisdictions only require 4 hours verbal notice to you before a court will issue Orders. Financial issues are generally not considered emergency situations that require ex-parte Orders. Change of custody requests are rarely granted on an ex-parte basis. ”

I cannot even imagine what he is claiming as an emergency situation against her. Granted I am not there and do not know what has occurred. But I have known her for 8 yrs. We lost contact the past few years until I stopped at her house to say Hello and tell her what had been happening in my life. That is what prompted a call from her later and telling me her life and what is really going on.

I cannot stop thinking about her. She is on my mind. I guess its just like I feel like Im watching Me in the early stages. Where every threat from my ex scared me and I thought hed get his way. I was the bad one, the bad christian who screwed up. What was wrong with ME?

And she is so much like I was. She said she and the kids were baking gingerbread cookies when she got the Ex Parte Call. So she should be at my attorneys office right now. She told me she was going in at 2pm. I dont know that she will call me, I hope she does since Im worried about her. I hate the legal process, I hate how long it takes, how much its costs, and how people manipulate it.

She is a good woman, she has been homeschooling her children, she is with them all day every day and always has been. And I cannot even imagine the kids just not seeing there mom.

So please, I know a lot of you are praying people who read my diary. Pray for my friend D. Pray for her children. Pray that she has a means financially to afford legal help.

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